
Incorrect test trials for childdevlabAshoka_41A-adults

Closed this issue · 3 comments

Participant childdevlabAshoka_41A-adults has two knowledge test trials. First test trial could be used for analysis but 2nd test trial should be excluded. This participant should also be excluded for MB2P.

How should we best handle cases like this? Options:

  • edit the demographic data/ session error file for the lab directly (would just want to document this)
  • create a metadata file with corrections to session errors that we read in to the pipeline

We've done both in ManyBabies projects. I think which is preferable might depend on how common we think this will contine to pop up - my lean would be towards just editing the data directly for now, what do you think?

My guess is that something like this might not happen again or if so, just a small number of cases. I think that editing the demographic data file rather than creating additional files is the easiest way to deal with cases like this.

I updated the demographic data for this participant marking the second test trial as error.