
Build s3 bucket, Build js project and deploy to s3 and comment url to PR

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT

Static Site Automation

What it is?

This Gihub action that uses the golang aws sdk to build s3 bucket and attach policy for static website deploy the static file to that newly created s3 bucket and comment the url to the PR. To deploy static file it uses either from your repository or build during your workflow. There is self hosted tool, if Github action is not feasible.

Best for?

  • Immediate feedback visually to developers or anyone interested in changes.
  • Reduce burden of having to build application for QA and verify the changes.
  • Faster iterations.

How to use?

Add .yml file/s such as given examples in your .github/workflows folder. Refer to the documentation on workflow YAML syntax here.

The following example will:
  • Create s3 bucket and attach policy for static site
  • Build the javascript/typescript frontend application with the help of given command (ex: BUILD_COMMAND="yarn build")
  • Upload build file (static site) to s3
  • Comment the URL of the static site to the Pull Request
  • Delete the aws S3 bucket after PR is merged
Config file: .github/workflows/deploy-existing.yml
name: Next js frontend dev

    - dev

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
    - uses: actions/checkout@master
    - name: Build and deploy next app
      uses: razzkumar/pr-automation-with-s3@v1.0.2
        AWS_S3_BUCKET: ${{ secrets.AWS_S3_BUCKET }} 
        AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID: ${{ secrets.AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID }}
        AWS_REGION: "us-east-1"
        SRC_FOLDER: "out"
        ACTION: 'deploy'
        BUILD_COMMAND: "yarn build && yarn export"
        CLOUDFRONT_ID: ${{ secrets.CLOUDFRONT_ID }}
        SECRETS_MANAGER: ${{ secrets.SECRETS_MANAGER }} // name of secrets on secret manager
Config file: .github/workflows/deploy-on-pr.yml
name: Deploy site to S3 And add comment to PR and delete after merge

    - master

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
    - uses: actions/checkout@master
    - name: Static site deploy to s3 and comment on PR
      uses: razzkumar/pr-automation-with-s3@v1.0.2
        AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID: ${{ secrets.AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID }}
        GH_ACCESS_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.GH_ACCESS_TOKEN}}
        AWS_REGION: 'us-east-2'     # optional: defaults to us-east-2
        SRC_FOLDER: 'build'         # optional: defaults to build (react app)
        IS_BUILD: 'true'            # optional: defaults to true
        ACTION: "create"            # optional: defaults to create (option:create,delete and deploy)
        BUILD_COMMAND: "yarn build" # optional: defaults to `yarn build`
Config file: .github/workflows/cleanup-on-pr-merge.yml
name: Delete S3 bucket after PR merge

    types: [closed]

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
    - name: Clean up temperory bucket
      if: github.event.pull_request.merged == true
      uses: razzkumar/pr-automation-with-s3@v1.0.2
        AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID: ${{ secrets.AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID }}
        AWS_REGION: 'us-east-2'     # optional: defaults to us-east-2
        ACTION: "delete"            # Action must be delete to delete


The following settings must be passed as environment variables as shown in the example. Sensitive information, especially GH_ACCESS_TOKEN,AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID and AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY, should be set as encrypted secrets — otherwise, they'll be public to anyone browsing your repository's source code and CI logs.

Key Suggested Type Value Required Default
GH_ACCESS_TOKEN secrect env Your Github access token used while commenting PR YES/NO If ACTION: create then it's required,otherwise it's optional NA
AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID secret env Your AWS Access Key. More info here. Yes N/A
AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY secret env Your AWS Secret Access Key. More info here. Yes N/A
AWS_S3_BUCKET secret env The name of the bucket you're syncing to. For example, jarv.is or my-app-releases. YES/NO - If running on PR it will genereat by tool PR-Branch.prPR-number.auto-deploy - In the case of depoyment it required
AWS_REGION env The region where you created your bucket. Set to us-east-2 by default. Full list of regions here. No us-east-2
SRC_FOLDER env The local directory (or file) you wish to deploy to S3. For example, public. Defaults to build. No build (based on react app)
IS_BUILD env This is the flag that indicate that build a project or not No true (It will run yarn && yarn build by default)
ACTION env This is also a flag that indicate what to do (create:-create s3 (if not exist) bucket,build react and comment on PR,deploy:helps to deploy to s3,delete: delete the s3 bucket) No create (It will create s3 (if not exist),built the app, deploy to s3 and comment URL to PR`)
BUILD_COMMAND env How to build the react app if its npm run build then it will run npm install && npm run build No yarn build (It will run yarn && yarn build by default)
CLOUDFRONT_ID secret env id of cloudfront for invalidation No
SECRETS_MANAGER env name of the aws secres manager key No

Note for S3 Bucket creation

  • It only create a s3 bucket if not exist
  • While Creating bucket for the pull_request S3 bucket name will be: PR-Branch.prPR-number.auto-deploy
    • For Eg.:
      • if base branch is SIG-1000 and PR number is 23 the the bucket name will be sig-100.pr23.auto-deploy
  • If we deploy app on push or (not on pull requst) like prebuild app deployment, app build and deploy then the bucket name will be $AWS_S3_BUCKET.auto-deploy
    • For Eg.
      • if AWS_S3_BUCKET=dev-test-deployment then bucket will be dev-test-deployment.auto-deploy


  • Add tests
  • Add option to deploy on aws cloudfront
  • Design PR comment done by tool
  • Maintain code quality


Feel free to send pull requests


This project is distributed under the MIT license
