How can I use this library with no bundling?
carlosvega opened this issue · 1 comments
carlosvega commented
I'm trying to include this module in as:
<script type="text/javascript" src="/static/vendor/node_modules/vuex-map-fields/dist/index.esm.js"></script>
But afterwards is not possible to use any of the modules and functions.
I know the appropriate way to develop would be to bundle everything together etc and use a different approach but we are dealing with flask assets etc and would like to try this library before changing the JS asset design.
maoberlehner commented
If you target modern browsers you can use ESM.
// I've not tested this, but should work.
import { mapFields } from '/static/vendor/node_modules/vuex-map-fields/dist/index.esm.js';
Otherwise you can use the UMD build.
<script type="text/javascript" src="/static/vendor/node_modules/vuex-map-fields/dist/index.js"></script>
// I've also not tested this but should work something like this:
const vuexMapFields = window['vuex-map-fields'];