
Issue(mongoDB): Types missing in generated GraphQL schema. IDs and relation scalar fields not supported.

mikerudge opened this issue · 7 comments

When using the type for embedded documents, it seems as though the schema that is generated doesnt include the type.

Here is a quick example. If we use this as the schema.

datasource db {
    provider = "mongodb"
    url      = env("DATABASE_URL")

generator appsync {
    provider = "prisma-appsync"

generator client {
    provider = "prisma-client-js"

type Address {
    street String
    city   String
    zip    String

type Photo {
    height Int
    width  Int
    url    String

/// @gql(subscriptions: null, mutations: null)
model User {
    id        String   @id @default(auto()) @map("_id") @db.ObjectId
    email     String   @unique
    name      String?
    photo     Photo?
    address   Address?
    createdAt DateTime @default(now())
    updatedAt DateTime @updatedAt

Then this is the output

type User {
    id: String!
    email: AWSEmail!
    name: String
    photo: Photo
    address: Address <--- type of Address is here but not defined anywhere? 
    createdAt: AWSDateTime!
    updatedAt: AWSDateTime!

type BatchPayload {
    count: Int

enum OrderByArg {

input UserFilter {
    some: UserWhereInput
    every: UserWhereInput
    none: UserWhereInput

input UserWhereInput {
    OR: [UserWhereInput]
    NOT: [UserWhereInput]
    AND: [UserWhereInput]
    id: StringFilter
    email: AWSEmailFilter
    name: StringFilter
    photo: StringFilter
    address: StringFilter <-- address is a string here, but it should be an object
    createdAt: AWSDateTimeFilter
    updatedAt: AWSDateTimeFilter

input UserWhereUniqueInput {
    id: String
    email: AWSEmail

input UserExtendedWhereUniqueInput {
    OR: [UserWhereInput]
    NOT: [UserWhereInput]
    AND: [UserWhereInput]
    id: String
    email: AWSEmail
    name: StringFilter
    photo: StringFilter
    address: StringFilter
    createdAt: AWSDateTimeFilter
    updatedAt: AWSDateTimeFilter

input UserOrderByInput {
    id: OrderByArg
    email: OrderByArg
    name: OrderByArg
    photo: OrderByArg
    address: OrderByArg
    createdAt: OrderByArg
    updatedAt: OrderByArg

input UserCreateInput {
    id: String!
    email: AWSEmail!
    name: String
    photo: Photo
    address: Address <--- address type here
    createdAt: AWSDateTime
    updatedAt: AWSDateTime

input UserCreateManyInput {
    id: String!
    email: AWSEmail!
    name: String
    photo: Photo
    address: Address <--- address type here
    createdAt: AWSDateTime
    updatedAt: AWSDateTime

input UserUpdateInput {
    id: String
    email: AWSEmail
    name: String
    photo: Photo
    address: Address <--- address type here
    createdAt: AWSDateTime
    updatedAt: AWSDateTime

input UserUpdateUniqueInput {
    data: UserUpdateInput!
    where: UserWhereUniqueInput!

input UserUpdateManyInput {
    where: UserWhereInput!
    data: UserUpdateInput!

input UserUpsertInput {
    create: UserCreateInput!
    update: UserUpdateInput!

input UserUpsertUniqueInput {
    where: UserWhereUniqueInput!
    create: UserCreateInput!
    update: UserUpdateInput!

input UserConnectOrCreateInput {
    where: UserWhereUniqueInput!
    create: UserCreateInput!

input UserDeleteUniqueInput {
    where: UserWhereUniqueInput!

input UserDeleteManyInput {
    where: UserWhereInput!

input IntOperation {
    set: Int
    increment: Int
    decrement: Int
    multiply: Int
    divide: Int

input FloatOperation {
    set: Float
    increment: Float
    decrement: Float
    multiply: Float
    divide: Float

input AWSDateTimeFilter {
    equals: AWSDateTime
    gt: AWSDateTime
    gte: AWSDateTime
    in: [AWSDateTime!]
    lt: AWSDateTime
    lte: AWSDateTime
    not: AWSDateTimeFilter
    notIn: [AWSDateTime!]

input AWSDateTimeListFilter {
    equals: [AWSDateTime!]
    has: AWSDateTime
    hasEvery: [AWSDateTime!]
    hasSome: [AWSDateTime!]
    isEmpty: Boolean

input FloatFilter {
    equals: Float
    gt: Float
    gte: Float
    in: [Float!]
    lt: Float
    lte: Float
    not: FloatFilter
    notIn: [Float!]

input FloatListFilter {
    equals: [Float!]
    has: Float
    hasEvery: [Float!]
    hasSome: [Float!]
    isEmpty: Boolean

input IntFilter {
    equals: Int
    gt: Int
    gte: Int
    in: [Int!]
    lt: Int
    lte: Int
    not: IntFilter
    notIn: [Int!]

input IntListFilter {
    equals: [Int!]
    has: Int
    hasEvery: [Int!]
    hasSome: [Int!]
    isEmpty: Boolean

input AWSJSONFilter {
    contains: String
    endsWith: String
    equals: AWSJSON
    in: [AWSJSON!]
    not: AWSJSONFilter
    notIn: [AWSJSON!]
    startsWith: String

input AWSJSONListFilter {
    equals: [AWSJSON!]
    has: AWSJSON
    hasEvery: [AWSJSON!]
    hasSome: [AWSJSON!]
    isEmpty: Boolean

input AWSEmailFilter {
    contains: String
    endsWith: String
    equals: AWSEmail
    in: [AWSEmail!]
    not: AWSEmailFilter
    notIn: [AWSEmail!]
    startsWith: String

input AWSEmailListFilter {
    equals: [AWSEmail!]
    has: AWSEmail
    hasEvery: [AWSEmail!]
    hasSome: [AWSEmail!]
    isEmpty: Boolean

input AWSURLFilter {
    contains: String
    endsWith: String
    equals: AWSURL
    in: [AWSURL!]
    not: AWSURLFilter
    notIn: [AWSURL!]
    startsWith: String

input AWSURLListFilter {
    equals: [AWSURL!]
    has: AWSURL
    hasEvery: [AWSURL!]
    hasSome: [AWSURL!]
    isEmpty: Boolean

input StringFilter {
    contains: String
    endsWith: String
    equals: String
    in: [String!]
    not: StringFilter
    notIn: [String!]
    startsWith: String
    mode: String

input StringListFilter {
    equals: [String!]
    has: String
    hasEvery: [String!]
    hasSome: [String!]
    isEmpty: Boolean

input BooleanFilter {
    equals: Boolean
    not: BooleanFilter

input BooleanListFilter {
    equals: [Boolean!]
    has: Boolean
    hasEvery: [Boolean!]
    hasSome: [Boolean!]

type Query {
    Find a single User record by unique identifier.
    getUser(where: UserWhereUniqueInput!): User

    Find many User records (optional query filters).
        where: UserWhereInput
        orderBy: [UserOrderByInput]
        skip: Int
        take: Int
    ): [User]

    Count all User records (optional query filters).
        where: UserWhereInput
        orderBy: [UserOrderByInput]
        skip: Int
        take: Int
    ): Int
maoosi commented

Hey @mikerudge, I am not familiar with MongoDB - but looking at your Prisma schema, I can see that both Address and Photo don't have id fields specified? This could explain why Prisma-AppSync is skipping these models.

I have found some Prisma documentation on the topic, but it is quite lite for people who aren't familiar with MongoDB. To fix the issue, I would probably need some time to play with MongoDB and see how we can best support IDs and relation scalar fields with the @map directive.

Is the same Prisma schema (with no id fields on Address and Photo) working ok with Prisma Client outside of Prisma-AppSync?


Yup it works fine with just prisma, in fact this example is from the prisms docs.

There is no need to have IDs on embedded documents,they are stored as just a json object on the document.There is no referencing or relationship needed.

Here is an example:

const newOrder = await prisma.order.create({
  data: {
    // Relation (via reference ID)
    product: { connect: { id: 'some-object-id' } },
    color: 'Red',
    // Embedded document
    shippingAddress: {
      street: '1084 Candycane Lane',
      city: 'Silverlake',
      zip: '84323',

I will see if I can manually update the generated schema to show what I would expect the output to be.

maoosi commented

I will see if I can manually update the generated schema to show what I would expect the output to be.

Yes please, that would definitely help!

Hopefully this helps.

So I added

type Address {
  street: String
  city: String
  state: String
  zip: String

type Photo {
  height: Int
  width: Int
  url: String

input AddressInput {
  street: String
  city: String
  state: String
  zip: String

input PhotoInput {
  height: Int
  width: Int
  url: String

Then I updated all the address fields and photo fields to use the inputs, except for the user type, which uses the regular Address type.

input UserWhereInput {
  OR: [UserWhereInput]
  NOT: [UserWhereInput]
  AND: [UserWhereInput]
  id: StringFilter
  email: AWSEmailFilter
  name: StringFilter
  photo: PhotoInput
  address: AddressInput
  createdAt: AWSDateTimeFilter
  updatedAt: AWSDateTimeFilter

type User {
  id: String!
  email: AWSEmail!
  name: String
  photo: Photo
  address: Address
  createdAt: AWSDateTime!
  updatedAt: AWSDateTime!

That seems to work?

Screenshot 2023-02-13 at 10 12 32

it maybe a little more complex than this actually.

You can specify a set when you want to just update a single value in the embedded object

So I think the schema would be something like

type Address {
  street: String
  city: String
  state: String
  zip: String

input AddressInput {
  street: String
  city: String
  state: String
  zip: String

input AddressInputWithSet {
  street: String
  city: String
  state: String
  zip: String
  set: AddressInput

input PhotoInput {
  height: Int
  width: Int
  url: String

input PhotoInputWithSet {
  height: Int
  width: Int
  url: String
  set: PhotoInput

Here is the prisma typescript for reference

  export type AddressNullableCreateEnvelopeInput = {
    set?: AddressCreateInput | null

  export type AddressCreateInput = {
    street: string
    city: string
    zip: string

I also need this feature since we heavily rely on MongoDB in production. Is anyone working on this atm? I can open a PR

maoosi commented

@giovanni-orciuolo I don't have experience with MongoDB, so PRs are more than welcomed on this one!