Implementation of GMDNet

Primary LanguagePython


GMDNet: A Graph-Based Mixture Density Network for Estimating Packages’ Multimodal Travel Time Distribution


Use the following command to run the code:

cd algorithm/GMDNet
python train.py

Repo Structure

The structure of our code and description of important files are given as follows:
│ ├────gmdnet/: code of GMDNet.
│────data/: a subset of data used for train, validation, and test.
│ ├────util.py


Name Type Description
hidden_dim int number of hidden units.
n_gaussians int number of Gaussian components.
att_hidden_size int number of hidden units in the self-attention.
num_of_attention_heads int num_of_attention_heads.
num_layers int number of GNN layers.
dirichlet_alpha int setting of Dirichlet regularizer.
batch_size int number of samples per batch.
lr float learning rate for training.
early_stop int stop training when a monitored metric has stopped improving.
num_epochs int number of passes over the training data.