
Update Cucumber/Gherkin package to latest version

MarcelRoozekrans opened this issue · 7 comments


Do you see a chance to update the cumcumber/gherkin package to the latest version?
In the 24.1 version we have some untranslated keywords and would like to use the fully translated ons from version 27.0

Thnx in advance !

Hi @MarcelRoozekrans,

Thanks for your issue I did not saw that there was so much major version !
I will push #13 if tests are OK.

Released as 2.1.0. Please feel free to report any issue.

Thnx for the quick response, you might want to consider a tool like Renmovate to help you with maintining the versions bumps of your project.


Tried the new version but doe not seem to resolve my issues:

(13:3): expected: #EOF, #TableRow, #StepLine, #TagLine, #ScenarioLine, #RuleLine, #Comment, #Empty, got 'Regel: Debug informatie tonen'
(15:5): expected: #EOF, #TableRow, #StepLine, #TagLine, #ScenarioLine, #RuleLine, #Comment, #Empty, got 'Achtergrond:'
(46:3): expected: #EOF, #TableRow, #StepLine, #TagLine, #ExamplesLine, #ScenarioLine, #RuleLine, #Comment, #Empty, got 'Regel: Local storage'
(77:3): expected: #EOF, #TableRow, #StepLine, #TagLine, #ExamplesLine, #ScenarioLine, #RuleLine, #Comment, #Empty, got 'Regel: Broadcasts'
(79:5): expected: #EOF, #TableRow, #StepLine, #TagLine, #ExamplesLine, #ScenarioLine, #RuleLine, #Comment, #Empty, got 'Achtergrond:'
Error: Parser errors:
(13:3): expected: #EOF, #TableRow, #StepLine, #TagLine, #ScenarioLine, #RuleLine, #Comment, #Empty, got 'Regel: Debug informatie tonen'
(15:5): expected: #EOF, #TableRow, #StepLine, #TagLine, #ScenarioLine, #RuleLine, #Comment, #Empty, got 'Achtergrond:'
(46:3): expected: #EOF, #TableRow, #StepLine, #TagLine, #ExamplesLine, #ScenarioLine, #RuleLine, #Comment, #Empty, got 'Regel: Local storage'
(77:3): expected: #EOF, #TableRow, #StepLine, #TagLine, #ExamplesLine, #ScenarioLine, #RuleLine, #Comment, #Empty, got 'Regel: Broadcasts'
(79:5): expected: #EOF, #TableRow, #StepLine, #TagLine, #ExamplesLine, #ScenarioLine, #RuleLine, #Comment, #Empty, got 'Achtergrond:'

Can you share a small portion of your feature file that does error?

I think i had a false positive on the excption. Seems to be fine again. Maybe was on an old branch where the package was not updated. Thnx anyway

OK good to know !