
Leaflet geobuf example

Closed this issue · 3 comments

Hi, is it possible to get a leaflet example map, perhaps using the US zip data you mention as an example of how well geobuf performs, and to show how it is implemented?



It does not need a Leaflet example.

Hi @mourner, Im trying to not use GeoJosn, as I need to load around 50k points. Im researching all over stackoverflow and other websites how to implement geobuf from Postgresql + PostGis to send the data, and Leaflet to load the data. and use something that will compress size better. But without some examples, I just cannot do the install, so I will either not use this, will try other libraries, or if everything fails, I will consider that the technology is not yet there.

Sean, the person that written the RFC for GeoJson recommended Geobuf as one of the alternatives.
But without examples a lot of folks that are not experimented programers will just not be able to use some of the libraries.
The only real article that I find related with Geobuf and Leaflet was this

Whats the point of having ST_AsGeobuf in PostGIS if there is not a single blog articles or tutorial on the internet showcasting what you can do with it?
