
Primary LanguageJavaScript

Locale Utils

A helper library for finding an appropriate locale from a list of available locales given an input locale.

Build Status


npm install @mapbox/locale-utils --save


var locale = require('@mapbox/locale-utils');

var availableLocales = [

// Find the best fitting locale given an input locale
var newLocale = locale.bestMatchingLocale('es-MX', availableLocales);
// Returns `es-ES` since `es-MX` is not an available locale.

// Parse a locale into smaller, easier to understand pieces.
var codedLocale = locale.parseLocaleIntoCodes('es-MX');
// Returns:
// {
//     locale: 'es-MX',
//     language: 'es',
//     script: undefined,
//     region: 'MX'
// }