
Seems to be an off-by-one error in mapbox staticimage

Closed this issue · 4 comments

What you've tried already

MapBox supports static image export with image dimensions up to 1280x1280†. But when --size 1280 1280 is passed, an error message is printed that complains the size is out of range.

† modulo Retina rendering

Expected outcome

I expect this:

mapbox staticmap --lon -73.973615 --lat 40.765809 --size 1280 1280 --zoom 10 'mapbox.satellite' out.png

To save an image of size 1280x1280 to out.png.

Actual outcome

Instead, I see this error:

Error: Invalid value: Image height and width must be between 1 and 1280

The same command line works as expected when using --size 1279 1279, which saves a 1279x1279 PNG to out.png

Other information

  • mapbox --version is 0.7.0
  • Operating System : Mac OS X
  • Python version number : whatever is used by the Homebrew wrapper (2.7.13, I think, not sure how to check for sure)
  • How did you install the mapbox cli? Homebrew, pip, other? : brew install mapbox/cli/mapbox
/usr/local/Cellar/mapbox/0.7.0 (2,392 files, 42.6MB) *
  Built from source on 2017-05-25 at 19:11:34

@tomjakubowski good catch! Would you be willing to create a PR for that change so you get proper github credit? Otherwise, I can make the change myself. Either way, let's get it in the next release. Thanks.

@perrygeo I came across this issue and didn't see an open PR and so I have sent a PR for the same.

Marking this one fixed. The fix will be in version 0.14 of the mapbox package.