
npm module that can be required to easily obtain a list of OSM usernames, IDs and mappings between usernames and IDs for the Mapbox Data Team

Primary LanguageJavaScriptISC LicenseISC


This npm module is no longer maintained. Mapbox keeps https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Mapbox up to date instead.


Quickly get a list of OSM usernames or OSM user IDs of the Mapbox Data Team using this module.

You can also get mappings between usernames and user IDs


Include npm install mapbox-data-team

Sample schema of user object

// sample user object
    'username': 'saikabhi',
    'uid': '3029661',
    'fname': 'Abhishek',
    'lname': 'Saikia',
    'fullname': 'Abhishek Saikia',
    'other_accounts': [
        {'username': 'saikabhi_sfimport', 'uid': '4893098'},
        {'username': 'saikabhi_LA_imports', 'uid': '4221399'}


Getting everything

var dataTeam = require('mapbox-data-team');

dataTeam.getEverything();  // [ userObject1, userObject2, userObject3, ... ]


Find one or many entries in the datateam.

find(searchFilter, resultShape)

Returns an array of objects matching the specified parameters.

Parameter Type Description
searchFilter object or function Optional. Specifies the filter for the result. Omit this parameter to return everything
resultShape array Optional. Specifies the fields to return for the resulting object /objects. Omit this parameter to return all fields.


// returns an array of objects which return truthy for the input function
dataTeam.find(u => u.other_accounts.length > 0) // [ {  'username': 'Aaron Lidman', 'uid': '53073', 'fname': 'Aaron', ... }, ... ]

// similar to above example, except only username key is found in result
dataTeam.find(u => u.other_accounts.length > 0, ['username']); // [{ 'username': 'Aaron Lidman'}, {'username': 'saikabhi'} ...]

findOne(searchFilter, resultShape)

Returns only one object matching the specified parameters.

Parameter Type Description
searchFilter object or function Optional. Specifies the filter for the result. Omit this parameter to return everything
resultShape array Optional. Specifies the fields to return for the resulting object /objects. Omit this parameter to return all fields.


// returns a single object matching the `searchFilter` or `undefined` if no match.
dataTeam.findOne({uid: '53073'}) // { 'username': 'Aaron Lidman', 'uid': '53073', 'fname': 'Aaron', ... }

dataTeam.findOne({osm_user: '53073'}) // undefined

// returns a single object with only username key
dataTeam.findOne({uid: '53073'}, ['username']) // { 'username': 'Aaron Lidman'}

More examples:

var dataTeam = require('mapbox-data-team');
dataTeam.find(searchFilter, resultShape);

// do empty search to get everything
dataTeam.find(); // [ userObject ]

// do an empty search to get only an array of uids
dataTeam.find(null, ["uid"]); // [ {uid: '3029661'}, {uid: '3057995'}, ...]

// search by a particular a field**
dTeam.find({ 'fName': 'Abhishek' });//  [ abhishekUserObject ]

dTeam.find({ 'uid': '2226712' });//  [ userObject ]

// shaping the result
dTeam.findOne({ 'uid': '2226712' }, ['github', 'fname']); // { github: 'dannykath', fname: 'Danny Aiquipa Pacheco' }

dTeam.find(null, ['github', 'uid'] ); // [ {github: 'Aaron Lidman', uid: '2985232'}, { github: 'aarthykc', uid: '2985232' }, ... ]

// custom filter function
dTeam.find( u => u.other_accounts.length > 0); // returns all objects which have u.other_accounts

dTeam.findOne( u => u.other_accounts.length > 0); // returns one item that first returned truth for the input function

Helper functions

var allUsernames = dataTeam.getUsernames();
var allUserIds = dataTeam.getUserIds();
var allNames = dataTeam.getNames();

//Specific information
var poornimaUserName = dataTeam.getUsernamesFor('fname', 'Poornima'); //OR dataTeam.getUsernamesFor('fname', 'poornima'); OR dataTeam.getUsernamesFor('fname', 'poORnimA');

var poornimaUserId = dataTeam.getUserIdsFor('fname', 'Poornima'); //OR dataTeam.getUserIdsFor('fname', 'poornima'); OR dataTeam.getUserIdsFor('fname', 'PoORniMa');

See tests for sample use cases.

Add yourself to the module

  • Get all your information from http://hdyc.neis-one.org/user/<your-osm-username>
  • Use the following template to create an object that contains details from the http://hdyc.neis-one.org/user/<your-osm-username>
    'username': '<osm-username>',
    'uid': '<uid>',
    'fname': '<fname as on http://mapbox.com/team/>',
    'lname': '<lname as on http://mapbox.com/team/>',
    'fullname': '<fullname as on http://mapbox.com/team/>'
    'username': '<osm-username>',
    'uid': '<uid>',
    'fname': '<fname as on http://mapbox.com/team/>',
    'lname': '<lname as on http://mapbox.com/team/>',
    'fullname': '<fullname as on http://mapbox.com/team/>'