This npm module is no longer maintained. Mapbox keeps up to date instead.
Quickly get a list of OSM usernames or OSM user IDs of the Mapbox Data Team using this module.
You can also get mappings between usernames and user IDs
npm install mapbox-data-team
Sample schema of user object
// sample user object
'username': 'saikabhi',
'uid': '3029661',
'fname': 'Abhishek',
'lname': 'Saikia',
'fullname': 'Abhishek Saikia',
'other_accounts': [
{'username': 'saikabhi_sfimport', 'uid': '4893098'},
{'username': 'saikabhi_LA_imports', 'uid': '4221399'}
Getting everything
var dataTeam = require('mapbox-data-team');
dataTeam.getEverything(); // [ userObject1, userObject2, userObject3, ... ]
Find one or many entries in the datateam.
find(searchFilter, resultShape)
Returns an array of objects matching the specified parameters.
Parameter | Type | Description |
searchFilter | object or function |
Optional. Specifies the filter for the result. Omit this parameter to return everything |
resultShape | array |
Optional. Specifies the fields to return for the resulting object /objects. Omit this parameter to return all fields. |
// returns an array of objects which return truthy for the input function
dataTeam.find(u => u.other_accounts.length > 0) // [ { 'username': 'Aaron Lidman', 'uid': '53073', 'fname': 'Aaron', ... }, ... ]
// similar to above example, except only username key is found in result
dataTeam.find(u => u.other_accounts.length > 0, ['username']); // [{ 'username': 'Aaron Lidman'}, {'username': 'saikabhi'} ...]
findOne(searchFilter, resultShape)
Returns only one object matching the specified parameters.
Parameter | Type | Description |
searchFilter | object or function |
Optional. Specifies the filter for the result. Omit this parameter to return everything |
resultShape | array |
Optional. Specifies the fields to return for the resulting object /objects. Omit this parameter to return all fields. |
// returns a single object matching the `searchFilter` or `undefined` if no match.
dataTeam.findOne({uid: '53073'}) // { 'username': 'Aaron Lidman', 'uid': '53073', 'fname': 'Aaron', ... }
dataTeam.findOne({osm_user: '53073'}) // undefined
// returns a single object with only username key
dataTeam.findOne({uid: '53073'}, ['username']) // { 'username': 'Aaron Lidman'}
More examples:
var dataTeam = require('mapbox-data-team');
dataTeam.find(searchFilter, resultShape);
// do empty search to get everything
dataTeam.find(); // [ userObject ]
// do an empty search to get only an array of uids
dataTeam.find(null, ["uid"]); // [ {uid: '3029661'}, {uid: '3057995'}, ...]
// search by a particular a field**
dTeam.find({ 'fName': 'Abhishek' });// [ abhishekUserObject ]
dTeam.find({ 'uid': '2226712' });// [ userObject ]
// shaping the result
dTeam.findOne({ 'uid': '2226712' }, ['github', 'fname']); // { github: 'dannykath', fname: 'Danny Aiquipa Pacheco' }
dTeam.find(null, ['github', 'uid'] ); // [ {github: 'Aaron Lidman', uid: '2985232'}, { github: 'aarthykc', uid: '2985232' }, ... ]
// custom filter function
dTeam.find( u => u.other_accounts.length > 0); // returns all objects which have u.other_accounts
dTeam.findOne( u => u.other_accounts.length > 0); // returns one item that first returned truth for the input function
Helper functions
var allUsernames = dataTeam.getUsernames();
var allUserIds = dataTeam.getUserIds();
var allNames = dataTeam.getNames();
//Specific information
var poornimaUserName = dataTeam.getUsernamesFor('fname', 'Poornima'); //OR dataTeam.getUsernamesFor('fname', 'poornima'); OR dataTeam.getUsernamesFor('fname', 'poORnimA');
var poornimaUserId = dataTeam.getUserIdsFor('fname', 'Poornima'); //OR dataTeam.getUserIdsFor('fname', 'poornima'); OR dataTeam.getUserIdsFor('fname', 'PoORniMa');
See tests for sample use cases.
Add yourself to the module
- Get all your information from<your-osm-username>
- Use the following template to create an object that contains details from the<your-osm-username>
'username': '<osm-username>',
'uid': '<uid>',
'fname': '<fname as on>',
'lname': '<lname as on>',
'fullname': '<fullname as on>'
- Add your object to
- If your name is NOT the last name in the list, add a comma after the object like:
'username': '<osm-username>',
'uid': '<uid>',
'fname': '<fname as on>',
'lname': '<lname as on>',
'fullname': '<fullname as on>'