
[Feat] Support easy changing of the map language on vector map.

JeongJun-Lee opened this issue · 3 comments

There is already the language change library, OpenMapTiles language( Is it integrated to this lib to change easily a map language?

From the README

Once you have created the leaflet layer, the mapbox-gl map object can be accessed using

// add a source to the mapbox-gl layer

I am well using this leaflet binding lib on Angular. But it's not easy to integrate the OpenMapTiles language lib with this lib together. The lib is too old and there is no Node package like this lib. So it'll be good to be merged together.

it's not easy to integrate the OpenMapTiles language lib with this lib together. The lib is too old and there is no Node package like this lib.

there isn't anything we can do about that here.