
Access Token Issue - Mapbox GL JS v2+

guy-keller opened this issue ยท 4 comments

The following packages / versions are okay.

package.json (shortened for brevity)

    "leaflet": "^1.7.1",
    "mapbox-gl": "^1.13.1",
    "mapbox-gl-leaflet": "^0.0.15",

page/view that has a map

import * as L from 'leaflet';
import 'mapbox-gl';
import 'mapbox-gl-leaflet';

  // shortened for brevity
  private initialiseMap(): void {
    const mapOpts = MapHelper.getMapOptions();
    const map = new L.Map('map', mapOpts);

    const mapboxGlOpts = { accessToken: '', style: '' };
    const mapboxGl = (L as any).mapboxGL(mapboxGlOpts);

    const mapboxMap = (mapboxGl as any).getMapboxMap();
    mapboxMap.addSource(MapHelper.MAPBOX_TILE_SOURCE_NAME, MapHelper.getTileSource());

    this.leafletMap = map;
    window.setTimeout(() => {
    }, 275);

The source layer is from Bing Maps / Virtual Earth.

  // shortened for brevity
  public static getTileSource(): any {
    const tileSource = {
      type: 'raster',
      tileSize: 256,
      tiles: [
    return tileSource;

If I update "mapbox-gl" from version "^1.13.1", to a newer version mapbox-gl v2+ it complains that no accessToken is present.

@guikeller do you see the same behavior in v2 mapbox-gl-js app without the leaflet wrapper?

Hi @jgravois ,

Sorry about the late reply.

If I use only the mapbox-gl-js v2 lib the map does not work. ๐Ÿ˜ž
Mapbox GL JS version used on the test below: 2.3.1


"mapbox-gl": "^2.3.1"

typescript component with a map:

import * as MB from 'mapbox-gl';

  // shortened for brevity - no access key provided
  private initialiseMap(): void {
    const mapboxMap = new MB.Map({
      container: 'map', // container id
      center: [-74.5, 40], // starting position [lng, lat]
      zoom: 9 // starting zoom
    mapboxMap.addSource(MapHelper.MAPBOX_TILE_SOURCE_NAME, MapHelper.getTileSource());

global app scss / importing the mapbox css

@import "./../node_modules/mapbox-gl/dist/mapbox-gl.css";

Error msg:

Error: A valid Mapbox access token is required to use Mapbox GL JS. To create an account or a new access token, visit
    at Object.errorCb (mapbox-gl.js:35)
    at Object.getSessionAPI (mapbox-gl.js:31)
    at Map._authenticate (mapbox-gl.js:35)
    at Map._render (mapbox-gl.js:35)
    at mapbox-gl.js:35
    at timer (zone-evergreen.js:2561)
    at ZoneDelegate.invokeTask (zone-evergreen.js:406)
    at Object.onInvokeTask (core.js:27424)
    at ZoneDelegate.invokeTask (zone-evergreen.js:405)
    at Zone.runTask (zone-evergreen.js:178)

The "MapHelper" class is in my first post. Cheers!

Hi @jgravois

Should I raise an issue here ( ) too?
Or is this one enough already and covers that repo/project too?

On a side note, the culprit seems to come from around about here:

And end up about here:

My guess is that is missing a call to "isMapboxURL"

The line below could look like this here ( see the block of code ):

if (customAccessToken || config.ACCESS_TOKEN || !isMapboxURL()) {
  this.queueRequest({id: mapId, timestamp:}, customAccessToken);
}  else {
  this.errorCb(new Error(AUTH_ERR_MSG));

This way if it is not a "mapbox:URL" the JS lib would continue to work.
Hope this helps to track down the issue / fixing the bug.


Should I raise an issue here ( ) too?

Thanks for clarifying that the issue is not peculiar to this leaflet wrapper.

i don't think you're encountering a bug. starting in v2, a valid token is required to instantiate a map regardless of whether you're loading a Mapbox hosted basemap or not.

Or is this one enough already and covers that repo/project too?

the issue tracker in this repo is solely for the leaflet wrapper. if/when you're encountering a problem with mapbox-gl-js all on its own, your best bet is to whittle your repro case down to the bare minimum and look through existing issues prior to logging a new one.