
Map gets stuck with version 2.8.2 of mapbox gl

gemmavnash opened this issue · 1 comments

I upgraded to mapbox gl js v2.8.2 and when panning the map, the mapbox layer gets stuck. I've reverted to v2.5.0 and the 'stuck' has gone. I guess it could be something to do with all the extra reset() calls in v2.5.1?


i also use mapbox-gl and mapbox-gl-leaflet. Since version 2.5.1, tiles layer get stuck/freeze on move only markers layers move.

working version:

  • mapbox-gl : 2.5.0
  • mapbox-gl-leaflet : 0.0.15

not working version:

  • mapbox-gl > 2.5.0

I can't find why 2.5.1 cause the issue, the only change seems to be : mapbox/mapbox-gl-js#11084
