
Mapbox-gl-js queryRenderedFeatures not working.

andersonn-roberto opened this issue · 5 comments


First, thank you for this plugin.
I'm trying to get a layer features by clicking on a polygon on map.
I'm using MapTiler vector tiles that brings the layer information with the map images, but I can't get the features related to some polygon.
I saw a closed issue that uses featuresAt function, but this function doesn't exists anymore.
Do you have some suggestions to get this working?



After spending some time on MapBox-GL-Js directly I managed to get this plugin to work as expected.
If anyone have problem and want an example, just let me know.


I am also facing issue with raster. do you have idea?

You can see a fragment of code that I'm using on an app:

map.on('click', function (e) 
      // set bbox as 5px reactangle area around clicked point
      var bbox = [
        [e.containerPoint.x - 1, e.containerPoint.y - 1],
        [e.containerPoint.x + 1, e.containerPoint.y + 1]
      var features = gl._glMap.queryRenderedFeatures(bbox, {
        layers: ['plis']

I'm using Leaflet with Mapbox-GL-Leaflet.

Could it be possible to query a feature by a clicked point, instead of a bbox?

Could it be possible to query a feature by a clicked point, instead of a bbox?

I don't think so, but you can check the queryRenderedFeatures function on MapBox GL documentation.