
POI Drawing Example Didn't Appear

SherifMohamedSaleh opened this issue · 0 comments


I've implemented the POI like example in
and I have some issues with camera calibration remains at 0.0 and functionality that convert coordinate
geoToWorld , worldToPixel always return nil

Expected behavior

add view with each coordinates related to locations

Actual behavior

nothing appears on screen due to camera.isCalibrated == false and camera.calibrationProgress remains 0.0
also if we neglect camera calibration
functionality that convert coordinates
geoToWorld , worldToPixel will return nil


  • Device: [iPhone8]
  • OS: [e.g. iOS15.4.1]
  • Frameworks versions (leave the ones you're using):
    • MapboxVisionNative [0.14.0]
    • MapboxVision [0.14.0]
    • MapboxVisionAR [0.14.0]
    • MapboxDirections