
Please guide in rendering the mesh?

icarito opened this issue ยท 20 comments

I've tried different attempts using but I get this from the Mount Fuji 256 data:

Which doesn't look to me like the input image:

Mainly because of the pointy spikes.
I'm using
<a-triangleset projectdir="z" material="roughness: 0.2; metalness: 0.3; color: green" rotation="90" position="-60 -100 30" scale="1 1 1" :vertices="this.vertices" :triangles="this.triangles"></a-triangleset>

Where this.vertices and this.triangles come from a Vue component that uses the data from tile.getMesh(80) to make these attribute data.

Please advise what am I doing wrong?
Thanks for your guidance.

Here's my result when using getMesh(30).

@andreasplesch maybe this is a question for you? ;-)
I also tried rendering with pythreejs but found similar issues.


Obviously I'm a beginner at 3D!
Thanks in advance for you kind advice.

Please provide a live example, on glitch, jsfiddle, observable etc

Thanks @andreasplesch - I should've done from the beginning but I have a backend in Python3.7 that is not compatible with Glitch's older interpreter.
I've implemented a new project doing only this:

My loose aim is to make a libre ("open source") videogame / interactive-experience about the Amazonian rainforest (where I live). Thank you for your nice components!

This is likely because the vertex data generated by this library is [x, y] pairs, without the z component (assuming the renderer will look these up through a texture). I probably need to add more docs for this, and maybe add an option to add z to the buffers too.

Yes, the z component is expected to be provided with the x and y. It would be not too hard to inject the z value from the data into the returned vertices array with something like:

for (i=0, j=0; i<mesh.vertices.length/2; i++) {
  let  x = mesh.vertices[i*2], y = mesh.vertices[i*2+1];

Typically, some processing has to be done anyways after the meshing, the returned x and y coordinates are just grid coordinates, not spatial coordinates.
[The up component is typically y]
[Also, I am not sure how well the component still works with current three and aframe]

Thanks @mourner and @andreasplesch !
That was the missing insight. I did a little tweaking to your snippet and it worked wonderfully!
Thank you both for the Library and the Component (it works fine with AFrame 0.9.2)
Here's the code and test:

@mourner Yes a little more docs would be great, I loved the demo but couldn't figure it out.


arpu commented

@icarito your glitch test is deleted?

@arpu sorry I just renamed to a more accurate name!

arpu commented

@icarito thx for poinzing me to the new glitch
but i get
three.js:11050 THREE.DirectGeometry: Faceless geometries are not supported.

and nothing is shown

The mesh can be seen at the bottom, I didn't center it or anything - look to the bottom left

bottom right I mean, sorry it's not in front of the camera

arpu commented

ahh :> thx, great example!

Let's reopen the issue until we have a proper demo / better docs.

arpu commented

@mourner testing with aframe master and THREEjs v108 and BufferGeometry

Bildschirmfoto von 2019-09-19 14-08-23

arpu commented

@mourner what to you think on return the indices on getMesh ?

than the BufferGeometry could be set with setIndex()

@arpu that's what triangles property in the returned object contains.

arpu commented

awsome works! i update the codepen on
Bildschirmfoto von 2019-09-20 00-25-02

update the link!

arpu commented

@mourner one more question how can set the createTile with a BufferGeometry?

the idea is bevore i use Martini i use

  var geometry = new THREE.Geometry().fromBufferGeometry(this.groundGeometry);
    var modifier = new THREE.SubdivisionModifier(1);
    var smoothGeometry = modifier.modify(geometry);
    if (this.groundGeometry) this.groundGeometry.dispose();
    this.groundGeometry = new THREE.BufferGeometry().fromGeometry(smoothGeometry);

to get a smoother Terrain bevore Martini