
Tiling imagery at full resolution

dhdemerson opened this issue · 2 comments

I understand that this use case is likely not covered by the current specification, but I wanted to document the need, and also see what contributors here recommend for satisfying the requirements as closely to the specification as possible.

I have raster imagery for a city that is relatively high resolution that needs to be tiled and displayed at the full source resolution at maximum zoom. Naturally the meters per pixel resolution of my source imagery does not align with the meters per pixel resolution of an integer zoom level at the latitude for the map.

To display imagery at its full source resolution I need to use a fractional zoom level that aligns the meters per pixel resolution of the map with the source imagery's meters per pixel resolution. Ideally the source imagery is tiled at the same fractional zoom level and then served to the client when at that maximum fractional zoom.

My current thought is to tile the imagery at the appropriate fractional zoom (to preserve resolution) as well as for each integer zoom below that fractional zoom. Let mapbox tile the imagery at all zoom levels other than maximum and when at maximum zoom have application code request and overlay the fractional zoom tiles manually. Not pretty but it would satisfy the requirements.

Do contributors here have any recommendations for how to go about this? Or potential alternatives? Any chance a future version of the specification would handle fractional zoom tiles?

Mind if i ask why you need it at native resolution? Why you can't use the ceil zoom?

In this case I am working with very precisely generated raster imagery data and displaying the highest resolution possible to our users is a high priority.

Edit: By ceil zoom do you mean overzooming and scaling?