
single-loop multipolygons generate invalid geojson coords

Closed this issue · 3 comments

wellknown('MULTIPOLYGON (((-74.03349399999999 40.688348)))')['coordinates']
[ [ [ -74.03349399999999, 40.688348 ] ] ]

this should be 4-deep (polygon is array of array of coord-arrays, multip is an array of those)

tmcw commented

Weird, is this in node? I'm getting a 4-deep array: 7d54574#diff-ab2b1be4a376430fe4c4225d0ee93cefR145

tmcw commented

Ah - probably an old release, the one on npm's super stale. Try v0.1.3

tmcw commented

Yep, this was just an old standalone