
parsedecsig error: TypeError: Cannot read properties of null (reading '0')

graphemecluster opened this issue · 4 comments

Error occurred at:

const helper = helperresult[0]

script content:

Some debug info:

Variable Value
fnname Xua
argname a
fnbody a=a.split("");MC["if"](a,71);,3);MC.QO(a,27);,2);MC["if"](a,36);MC.QO(a,14);,3);MC.QO(a,68);,3);return a.join("")
helpername MC["if"](a,71);MC

How come the minifier use if as a property name XD

So I managed to solve that by change helpernameresult to /;([a-zA-Z0-9$_]+?)\..+?\(/.exec(fnbody).
And for safety let's also add _ to fnnameresult, i.e. /=([a-zA-Z0-9$_]+?)\(decodeURIComponent/.exec(data).

我自己是沒遇到現版本會遇到問題的狀況,不過既然有機會出現的話我就先更新 Regex 了,感謝!

速い ()
也謝謝你了(有點好奇為什麼在 helpernameresult 要把 $ escape 掉)

我猜你想說的是 fnnameresult?
可能只是我寫那個的時候不太清楚 Regex 哪裡該 escape 吧
