
optimize icon images

Closed this issue · 1 comments

Resize with this script -

Save that under a file name, ie Then make sure the file is executable: chmod +x then run it ./ ...

move to duwamish flavor

Also, that script isn't the best. I think I coded that in a pinch, (source is here). But you can resize all pics like so:

./ "*.png" 128

which will resize all pictures with a .png extension to have a scaled width of 128 pixels.

If you have the ImageMagick library installed, there is a command called mogrify, which can be run like this:

mogrify -verbose -resize '128x128>' *.png

which resizes all files with the .png extension to 128x128 pixels. Here is a post that describes the mogrify tool.

Note that these commands and libraries only apply to Linux/Mac systems.