
Create a Raingarden form

Closed this issue · 2 comments

When someone adds a raingarden, we'll need a form for them to fill to ensure they add enough information and that the information is of the proper type (yes/no, integer, etc).
Here is the current schema, but should we change it?

  • County
  • Registry #
  • Number of Cells
  • Street Address
  • City
  • Zip Code
  • Name
  • Email
  • Confirm Email
  • ?
  • Owner
  • Designer
  • Installer
  • Size (sq ft)
  • Drainage Area (sq ft)
  • Primary Source
  • WSU Master Gardeners
  • "12
  • 000 Rain Garden Website"
  • Conservation District
  • County Surface Water Management Utility
  • Stewardship Partners
  • "Landscape
  • Engineer
  • or Architect professional "
  • WSU Rain Garden Homeowner Manual
  • WSU Stormwater Center
  • A rain garden reference book
  • Stewardship Partners/WSU Workshop
  • WSU Video
  • Other Source:
  • Type of Plants Used
  • ?
  • Image
  • Lat
  • Long
  • I would be interested in media covering my rain garden
  • "Please do not share any of my information
  • I wish to remain private OR Approved to Show on Website?"
  • Private or Public Owned Land
  • Installation Date
  • Monetary Cost
  • Hours Spent

At the very least, I think we should have different "tiers" of privacy. For example, maybe they don't want media covering their raingarden, but they may want to select an option to "show my raingarden on the map".

Closing this issue because it is now an ETL issue