
add the app to the F-droid repo

Closed this issue · 5 comments

In relation to offering APK downloads ( afcd392 ) it could be good to list the app on the f-droid repo.

As a user I quite like it just as a way of listing/finding open source apps, but also as an easy way to side-load apps on amazon devices, however...

I make this suggestion casually without really knowing what's involved, but I heard from @simonpoole (vespucci developer) that it's quite a hassle actually. In which case feel free to park this as a low priority idea.

The main issue with F-Droid is that it isn't simply a APK repo, they actually build the app with their own automated build system. This is OK to a certain point, but in the case of more complicated builds you tend to be depending on whoever setup the F-Droid side to do it correctly and have time when something goes wrong (which is btw why I would strongly suggest requiring a modified app version string for F-Droid or you will never notice build related issues that are specific to F-Droid),

The other problem is that they are fairly strict about only using open components which may or may not be an issue for you.

for now we're just going to stick with the apk. If you guys want to publish it on fdroid, feel free to, it's open source.

ooh yeah that does sound like a pain. Didn't realise f-droid builds the apps.

Any thoughts on this @laurentS ? 3 years old now.

Yes, this was actually the very first issue on mapswipe. Can't be done, because mapswipe uses non-FLOSS libraries (firebase). See details on the ticket linked. I'll close this ticket here as well