
mbtiles from QGIS?

Closed this issue · 5 comments

I've tried to export some mbtiles from QGIS, to open in Tileserver.
The maps are present on the list:
But when I open them, there is no data:
The tileserver.json also returns:
TileServer: unknown map tileserver
Don't know whether there are any dependencies I'm missing. I think I've got Sqlite3 (and the php mod as well), anything else (and any way of testing)?

If I reimport the tiles into QGIS, they work fine in QGIS

Can you send us the link to the server and better to upload non-working data?

The server is at this link
And I have also uploaded the data to: This address
The process I have been through to get the data is:
In QGIS - Reprojected some data (geoTIFF) from EPSG:27700 to EPSG:3857 (gdalwarp)
Then exported it to a .mbtile using gdal_translate -of MBTiles
I don't know whether I'm missing a dependency? Can confirm I'm running php7.1, with php7.1-sqlite3, I Apache2 rewrite mod is enabled: Enabling module rewrite.

You have wrongly configured appache or path in htacces. It works that you are running the script directly:

So there is no issue with displaying QGIS tiles in tileserver-php

Ok, how are they supposed to be configured? I just used the default .htaccess file that came with