
Is full source of the frontend available?

johnsercel opened this issue · 4 comments

TileServer seems critically dependent on the javascript hosted at, which is heavily minified. Is the source code for that javascript available anywhere? Thanks!

No, unfortunately, the source code of the "tileviewer" is in this moment private.

But you can use your own viewer. I wrote an example of usage to wiki I think it helps you. You can use template posted in related ticket #31 in Leaflet.
We will give more examples of viewers later.

All server functions of the TileServer-PHP are 100% open-source - serving the tiles, TileJSON, using from MapBox Studio, Leaflet, etc.

Your can remove our "tileviewer" frontend and the server runs just fine - if you use your own viewer or load map tiles from a different location or your own application (possibly running even on a different server).

You can also switch the TileServer-PHP project to use a custom template - as @daliborjanak suggested.

In future, we may release our "tileviewer" component as open-source, but right now it would require extra effort related to cleaning and documenting the code - and it does not make much sense. BTW the tileviewer component is designed to run on top of multiple backends (tiles generated by accessed via file:// protocol, tiles in tileserver-php, tileserver-mapnik, tileserver-gl, tiles hosted on Amazon S3, Google Cloud Storage,, tiles on https with Google Drive or Dropbox free hosting, or any TileJSON endpoint, etc.).

Okay, thank you. I've been working on a GAE/GCS hybrid deployment, which needs some optimizations such as direct tile requests, no proxy. But I'll work on a different front end.