
Unable to add a new event to the homepage

Closed this issue · 8 comments

Hey @maptime/us-mn-msp,

I've been attempting to add a new event to the site and keep hitting brick walls, can anyone find out why the March event won't load into the homepage properly?

Thank you in advance,

This is a weird one. I compared the markdown from this post with the January post, and it is essentially the same.

I ended up adding an author line to March to match January, and I changed the title, but that didn't seem to make a difference. Still no render. The map link in the iframe tags is good too.
Are you still editing code in MS Word? @geospatialem ...

Any ideas @geobrando?

Thanks for checking, @fawcett! I'm wondering if its related to one of the template changes I made last year? Although other posts were coming in okay after I made the changes, so who knows:question:

I do all my editing in the Atom editor, but thought it could be related to some cosmetics ("@", "*", "-", etc.), thus all the commits, but no 🎲 .

Maybe try fiddling with the file name and change it to the past and see if it works. We were having similar issues so wondering if there's an issue with Jekyll that would be upstream.

@geografa Weird, so changing the date to 2015 works, it appears on the page, but changing it back to 2016 seems to be the issue.

@geospatialem hmm. l can get this working on our repo (/portland) but not seeing any differences between our layouts. Are you saying you're seeing this in production only? Or is this happen when you test it locally as well?

Hey y'all! I believe I ran into this same issue on the milehigh site a few weeks ago. @emilyashley solved our problem in this issue by adding “future:true” to our _config.yml. Could that be the solution to this your issue as well?

@mtaylorlong that's totally the issue! Thank you!

@mtaylorlong @geografa @fawcett @emilyashley you all 🎸!! Thank you all so much!

HOORAY!!!! 🎆 🎊 🎉 🎇