
Tapping on search bar after rotation while routing preview is up leaves route line artifacts

msmollin opened this issue · 1 comments

  • Device name:
    Nexus 5
  • Android Version:
  • App build number:
  • What did you expected to happen?
    The search bar not to be available just rotating the device while in routing preview
  • What happened instead?
    I can tap on the search screen and search for a new place. This dumps me out of the routing preview flow and seems to orphan drawn poly lines on the map, and leaves a weird gray pin as well over your current location.
  • Steps to reproduce:
  • Route to a destination.
  • Rotate the device.
  • Notice the search bar is available for a few seconds, and tap into it to search.
  • Attach a screenshot
    It's hard to grab a screen shot mid test, but here's the ultimate outcome of the above process.

Wow nice catch. The action bar only shows for about a second for me before animating off the screen but when I tap it I get the exact same behavior described.