
Error in read.table(dat, header = F) : no lines available in input

scthree opened this issue · 4 comments

Dear Developers,

Thank you for this wonderful tool and your contributions in leading the community!

Forgive me if I'm asking a stupid question. I recently used merqury to eval several assemblies generated with hifiasm (HiFi + ONT, then either phased with Trio-binning OR HiC). Was able to run merqury and generate all the asm stats/plots.

Then just made a Verkko assembly (phased with Trio-binning) and ran merqury on the diploid assembly (assembly.fasta) and hap1+hap2 (assembly.haplotype1.fasta, assembly.haplotype2.fasta). No issues with qv, completeness, and generating those plots/stats...but get an Rscript error when it's trying to generate the phased_block.stats - please see error log below.

Could you please let me know what I'm doing wrong? I know you're busy and appreciate your time!


Haplotype dbs provided.
Running Merqury in trio mode...

hap1: mat_uncompress.k21.hapmer.meryl
hap2: pat_uncompress.k21.hapmer.meryl
asm1: assembly.fasta
out : dip

Get spectra-cn plots and QV stats
Get blob plots
Get haplotype specfic spectra-cn plots
Get phase blocks
Get block N plots

Generate assembly.fasta.fai

*** # Found assembly.gaps.bed ***

Found 246. Generating stats for both scaffolds and contigs.

Convert dip.assembly.100_20000.phased_block.bed to sizes

Result saved as dip.assembly.100_20000.phased_block.sizes

Plot dip.assembly.100_20000.phased_block.bed

Rscript /Programs/merqury-1.3/plot/plot_block_N.R -b dip.assembly.100_20000.phased_block.sizes -c dip.assembly.contig.sizes -s dip.assembly.scaff.sizes -o dip.assembly
Loading required package: argparse
Loading required package: ggplot2
Loading required package: scales
Error in read.table(dat, header = F) : no lines available in input
Calls: block_n -> attach_n -> read.table
Execution halted

No block2 found. Done!

read: dtr_uncompress.k21.meryl

Haplotype dbs provided.
Running Merqury in trio mode...

hap1: mat_uncompress.k21.hapmer.meryl
hap2: pat_uncompress.k21.hapmer.meryl
asm1: assembly.haplotype1.fasta
asm2: assembly.haplotype2.fasta
out : hap

Get spectra-cn plots and QV stats
Get blob plots
Get haplotype specfic spectra-cn plots
Get phase blocks
Get block N plots

Generate assembly.haplotype1.fasta.fai

*** # Found assembly.haplotype1.gaps.bed ***

Found 85. Generating stats for both scaffolds and contigs.

Generate assembly.haplotype2.fasta.fai

*** # Found assembly.haplotype2.gaps.bed ***

Found 161. Generating stats for both scaffolds and contigs.

Convert hap.assembly.haplotype1.100_20000.phased_block.bed to sizes

Result saved as hap.assembly.haplotype1.100_20000.phased_block.sizes

Plot hap.assembly.haplotype1.100_20000.phased_block.bed

Rscript /Programs/merqury-1.3/plot/plot_block_N.R -b hap.assembly.haplotype1.100_20000.phased_block.sizes -c hap.assembly.haplotype1.contig.sizes -s hap.assembly.haplotype1.scaff.sizes -o hap.assembly.haplotype1
Loading required package: argparse
Loading required package: ggplot2
Loading required package: scales
Error in read.table(dat, header = F) : no lines available in input
Calls: block_n -> attach_n -> read.table
Execution halted

Convert hap.assembly.haplotype2.100_20000.phased_block.bed to sizes

Result saved as hap.assembly.haplotype2.100_20000.phased_block.sizes

Plot hap.assembly.haplotype2.100_20000.phased_block.bed

Rscript /Programs/merqury-1.3/plot/plot_block_N.R -b hap.assembly.haplotype2.100_20000.phased_block.sizes -c hap.assembly.haplotype2.contig.sizes -s hap.assembly.haplotype2.scaff.sizes -o hap.assembly.haplotype2
Loading required package: argparse
Loading required package: ggplot2
Loading required package: scales
Error in read.table(dat, header = F) : no lines available in input
Calls: block_n -> attach_n -> read.table
Execution halted


There was a serious issue in meryl v1.4 release, making meryl-lookup crash. I wonder this was also affected by this issue.
If possible, could you obtain meryl v1.4.1 release, and re-run merqury?

If you'd like to re-run, you could you remove *.sort.bed and *.hap.wig, then re-run $MERQURY/trio/ This has to be done for each assembly (so twice). Next, run $MERQURY/trio/ afterwards (also, twice). Since you are re-running it manually, you could also provide a genome size that could go with to generate NG plots instead of N plots.


Hello, I think we have similar errors, but the difference is that I am running on version 1.4.1. I encountered similar errors during installation using both git clone and meryl-1.4.1.Linux-amd64.tar.xz. In the detailed documentation below, I executed the same commands by providing the reference sequence and parent-offspring databases, along with the two assembled haploid fa files.

Both the quality values (qv) and the generation of plots seem to be working fine, but I am unable to obtain the 100_20000.phased_block.stats and switch error. I cannot observe the completeness of the assembly. Based on the error messages, it seems to suggest that bedtools, samtools, and R are not present. However, I have confirmed that these tools exist in the current conda environment through the executed commands:

Program: samtools (Tools for alignments in the SAM format)
Version: 1.18 (using htslib 1.17)
R --version
R version 4.1.1 (2021-08-10) -- "Kick Things"
Copyright (C) 2021 The R Foundation for Statistical Computing
Platform: x86_64-conda-linux-gnu (64-bit)
bedtools is a powerful toolset for genome arithmetic.
Version: v2.31.1

Haplotype dbs provided.
Running Merqury in trio mode...

hap1: chr21-db_M.meryl
hap2: chr21-db_F.meryl
asm1: hic_pred_hap1.fa
asm2: hic_pred_hap2.fa
out : hic

Get spectra-cn plots and QV stats

Get blob plots

Get haplotype specfic spectra-cn plots

Get phase blocks

Get block N plots
ModuleCmd_Load.c(213):ERROR:105: Unable to locate a modulefile for 'bedtools'
ModuleCmd_Load.c(213):ERROR:105: Unable to locate a modulefile for 'samtools'
ModuleCmd_Load.c(213):ERROR:105: Unable to locate a modulefile for 'R'

Generate hic_pred_hap1.fa.fasta.fai

[E::fai_build3_core] Failed to open the file hic_pred_hap1.fa.fasta
[faidx] Could not build fai index hic_pred_hap1.fa.fasta.fai

*** # Found hic_pred_hap1.fa.gaps.bed ***

No gaps found. This is a contig set.

awk: fatal: cannot open file `hic_pred_hap1.fa.fasta.fai' for reading (No such file or directory)

Generate hic_pred_hap2.fa.fasta.fai

[E::fai_build3_core] Failed to open the file hic_pred_hap2.fa.fasta
[faidx] Could not build fai index hic_pred_hap2.fa.fasta.fai

*** # Found hic_pred_hap2.fa.gaps.bed ***

No gaps found. This is a contig set.

awk: fatal: cannot open file `hic_pred_hap2.fa.fasta.fai' for reading (No such file or directory)

Convert hic.hic_pred_hap1.fa.100_20000.phased_block.bed to sizes

Result saved as hic.hic_pred_hap1.fa.100_20000.phased_block.sizes

Plot hic.hic_pred_hap1.fa.100_20000.phased_block.bed

Rscript /home/lyc/.conda/envs/porec/share/merqury/plot/plot_block_N.R -b hic.hic_pred_hap1.fa.100_20000.phased_block.sizes -c hic.hic_pred_hap1.fa.contig.sizes -o hic.hic_pred_hap1.fa
Loading required package: argparse
Warning message:
package ‘argparse’ was built under R version 4.1.3
Loading required package: ggplot2
Warning message:
package ‘ggplot2’ was built under R version 4.1.3
Loading required package: scales
Warning message:
package ‘scales’ was built under R version 4.1.3
Error in read.table(dat, header = F) : no lines available in input
Calls: block_n -> attach_n -> read.table
Execution halted

Convert hic.hic_pred_hap2.fa.100_20000.phased_block.bed to sizes

Result saved as hic.hic_pred_hap2.fa.100_20000.phased_block.sizes

Plot hic.hic_pred_hap2.fa.100_20000.phased_block.bed

Rscript /home/lyc/.conda/envs/porec/share/merqury/plot/plot_block_N.R -b hic.hic_pred_hap2.fa.100_20000.phased_block.sizes -c hic.hic_pred_hap2.fa.contig.sizes -o hic.hic_pred_hap2.fa
Loading required package: argparse
Warning message:
package ‘argparse’ was built under R version 4.1.3
Loading required package: ggplot2
Warning message:
package ‘ggplot2’ was built under R version 4.1.3
Loading required package: scales
Warning message:
package ‘scales’ was built under R version 4.1.3
Error in read.table(dat, header = F) : no lines available in input
Calls: block_n -> attach_n -> read.table
Execution halted



I sincerely hope that you are familiar with this issue and can assist me. Thank you very much for your help!

Hello @qq923781272 ,

dafc7e3 will fix your crash.
Also I see you don't need to load the modules. You could uncomment this line to avoid the ModuleCmd_Load ERRORs.

I'd suggest to clone the latest Merqury git from the master branch (nothing to install), and re run Merqury.
Hope this works for you!


I apologize for bothering you again. I have checked whether my Merqury version matches the branch correction you sent me. I am certain it is the latest version, but I am still encountering similar issues. Just to be safe, I cloned a fresh copy of the code, but the same error persists.

What's even more puzzling is that I successfully generated the phased_block and 100_20000.switches.txt in a previous run yesterday. However, today, I have been unable to reproduce the success under any circumstances.

I followed your instructions in the previous response to remove and execute $MERQURY/trio/ and $MERQURY/trio/ twice each. However, during this process, errors occurred, preventing me from obtaining results for switch and phased_block.

Do you have any insights into why this might be happening? The command I used is $MERQURY/ read-db.meryl mat.meryl pat.meryl asm1.fasta out_prefix.

Here is the error message I encountered:
Haplotype dbs provided.
Running Merqury in trio mode...

hap1: chr21-db_M.meryl
hap2: chr21-db_F.meryl
asm1: hic_pred_hap1.fa
asm2: hic_pred_hap2.fa
out : hic

Get spectra-cn plots and QV stats

Get blob plots

Get haplotype specfic spectra-cn plots

Get phase blocks

Get block N plots
ModuleCmd_Load.c(213):ERROR:105: Unable to locate a modulefile for 'bedtools'
ModuleCmd_Load.c(213):ERROR:105: Unable to locate a modulefile for 'samtools'
ModuleCmd_Load.c(213):ERROR:105: Unable to locate a modulefile for 'R'

Generate hic_pred_hap1.fa.fasta.fai

[E::fai_build3_core] Failed to open the file hic_pred_hap1.fa.fasta
[faidx] Could not build fai index hic_pred_hap1.fa.fasta.fai

*** # Found hic_pred_hap1.fa.gaps.bed ***

No gaps found. This is a contig set.

awk: fatal: cannot open file `hic_pred_hap1.fa.fasta.fai' for reading (No such file or directory)

Generate hic_pred_hap2.fa.fasta.fai

[E::fai_build3_core] Failed to open the file hic_pred_hap2.fa.fasta
[faidx] Could not build fai index hic_pred_hap2.fa.fasta.fai

*** # Found hic_pred_hap2.fa.gaps.bed ***

No gaps found. This is a contig set.

awk: fatal: cannot open file `hic_pred_hap2.fa.fasta.fai' for reading (No such file or directory)

Convert hic.hic_pred_hap1.fa.100_20000.phased_block.bed to sizes

Result saved as hic.hic_pred_hap1.fa.100_20000.phased_block.sizes

Plot hic.hic_pred_hap1.fa.100_20000.phased_block.bed

Rscript /home/lyc/.conda/envs/porec/share/merqury/plot/plot_block_N.R -b hic.hic_pred_hap1.fa.100_20000.phased_block.sizes -c hic.hic_pred_hap1.fa.contig.sizes -o hic.hic_pred_hap1.fa
Loading required package: argparse
Loading required package: ggplot2
Loading required package: scales
Error in read.table(dat, header = F) : no lines available in input
Calls: block_n -> attach_n -> read.table
Execution halted

Convert hic.hic_pred_hap2.fa.100_20000.phased_block.bed to sizes

Result saved as hic.hic_pred_hap2.fa.100_20000.phased_block.sizes

Plot hic.hic_pred_hap2.fa.100_20000.phased_block.bed

Rscript /home/lyc/.conda/envs/porec/share/merqury/plot/plot_block_N.R -b hic.hic_pred_hap2.fa.100_20000.phased_block.sizes -c hic.hic_pred_hap2.fa.contig.sizes -o hic.hic_pred_hap2.fa
Loading required package: argparse
Loading required package: ggplot2
Loading required package: scales
Error in read.table(dat, header = F) : no lines available in input
Calls: block_n -> attach_n -> read.table
Execution halted


Found 1 command tree.

PROCESSING TREE #1 using 128 threads.
print to (stdout)
Detected k-mer size: 21
[E::fai_build3_core] Failed to open the file hic_pred_hap1.fa.fasta
[faidx] Could not build fai index hic_pred_hap1.fa.fasta.fai

    Generate haplotype marker sites bed

            -- chr21-db_M

usage: meryl-lookup
-sequence <input1.fasta> [<input2.fasta>]
-output []
-mers <input1.meryl> [<input2.meryl>] [...] [-estimate]
-labels [] [...]

Compare kmers in input sequences against kmers in input meryl databases.

Input sequences (-sequence) can be FASTA or FASTQ, uncompressed, or
compressed with gzip, xz, or bzip2.

Report types:

Generate a BED format file showing the location of kmers in
any input database on each sequence in 'input1.fasta'.

Generate a WIGGLE format file showing the multiplicity of the
kmer starting at each position in the sequence, if it exists in
an input kmer database.

Generate a WIGGLE format file showing the number of kmers in
any input database that cover each position in the sequence.

Generate a tab-delimited line for each input sequence with the
number of kmers in the sequence, in the database and common to both.

Copy sequences from 'input1.fasta' (and 'input2.fasta') to the
corresponding output file if the sequence has at least one kmer
present (include) or no kmers present (exclude) in 'input1.meryl'.

Run meryl-lookup <report-type> -help for details on each method.

Unknown option '-dump'.
No report-type (-bed, -wig-count, -wig-depth, -existence, -include, -exclude) supplied.
Using system JDK.
INFO [Nov 29,2023 18:47] [Globals] Development mode is enabled
SEVERE [Nov 29,2023 18:47] [IgvTools] Genome definition file not found for: hic_pred_hap1.fa.fasta.fai
SEVERE [Nov 29,2023 18:47] [IgvTools] Genome definition file not found for: hic_pred_hap1.fa.fasta.fai
at org.igv/
at org.igv/
at org.igv/
at org.igv/

            -- chr21-db_F

usage: meryl-lookup
-sequence <input1.fasta> [<input2.fasta>]
-output []
-mers <input1.meryl> [<input2.meryl>] [...] [-estimate]
-labels [] [...]

Compare kmers in input sequences against kmers in input meryl databases.

Input sequences (-sequence) can be FASTA or FASTQ, uncompressed, or
compressed with gzip, xz, or bzip2.

Report types:

Generate a BED format file showing the location of kmers in
any input database on each sequence in 'input1.fasta'.

Generate a WIGGLE format file showing the multiplicity of the
kmer starting at each position in the sequence, if it exists in
an input kmer database.

Generate a WIGGLE format file showing the number of kmers in
any input database that cover each position in the sequence.

Generate a tab-delimited line for each input sequence with the
number of kmers in the sequence, in the database and common to both.

Copy sequences from 'input1.fasta' (and 'input2.fasta') to the
corresponding output file if the sequence has at least one kmer
present (include) or no kmers present (exclude) in 'input1.meryl'.

Run meryl-lookup <report-type> -help for details on each method.

Unknown option '-dump'.
No report-type (-bed, -wig-count, -wig-depth, -existence, -include, -exclude) supplied.
Using system JDK.
INFO [Nov 29,2023 18:47] [Globals] Development mode is enabled
SEVERE [Nov 29,2023 18:47] [IgvTools] Genome definition file not found for: hic_pred_hap1.fa.fasta.fai
SEVERE [Nov 29,2023 18:47] [IgvTools] Genome definition file not found for: hic_pred_hap1.fa.fasta.fai
at org.igv/
at org.igv/
at org.igv/
at org.igv/

    Sort hic.bed

/home/lyc/.conda/envs/porec/share/merqury/trio/ hic.sort.bed hic 100 20000

    java -jar -Xmx1g /home/lyc/.conda/envs/porec/share/merqury/trio/bedMerToPhaseBlock.jar hic.sort.bed hic.100_20000 100 20000 

Processing file hic.sort.bed
Found and as haplotypes.
Running time : 0 h 0 m 0 sec

awk: cmd. line:1: fatal: division by zero attempted

java -jar -Xmx1g /home/lyc/.conda/envs/porec/share/merqury/eval/bedCalcN50.jar hic.100_20000.phased_block.bed | tail -n1 | awk -v out=hic.100_20000 -v swi="" '{print out"\t"$0"\tswi}' - >> hic.100_20000.phased_block.stats
Processing file hic.100_20000.phased_block.bed
Num. blocks: 0
Genome covered bases: 0
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException: Index 0 out of bounds for length 0
at java.base/jdk.internal.util.Preconditions.outOfBounds(
at java.base/jdk.internal.util.Preconditions.outOfBoundsCheckIndex(
at java.base/jdk.internal.util.Preconditions.checkIndex(
at java.base/java.util.Objects.checkIndex(
at java.base/java.util.ArrayList.get(
at javax.arang.bed.CalcN50.hooker(
at javax.arang.IO.Rwrapper.go(
at javax.arang.bed.CalcN50.main(

Count and hap-mers per block to hic.100_20000.phased_block.counts
ModuleCmd_Load.c(213):ERROR:105: Unable to locate a modulefile for 'R'

Rscript /home/lyc/.conda/envs/porec/share/merqury/plot/plot_blob.R -f hic.100_20000.phased_block.counts -o hic.100_20000.phased_block.blob
Loading required package: argparse
Loading required package: ggplot2
Loading required package: scales
Error in [.data.frame(dat, , 4) : undefined columns selected
Calls: blob_plot -> [ -> [.data.frame
In addition: Warning message:
In max(dat[, 3]) : no non-missing arguments to max; returning -Inf
Execution halted

Thank you once again for your response, and I apologize for any inconvenience caused!