
conda and pip install don't install the latest version

tiagocabralborelli opened this issue · 2 comments

Recently I had to reinstall parsnp and I realized that neither conda nor pip are downloading version 1.5.4. Instead, they download version 1.2 which presented some bugs even for genomes that I have successfully used before.
I tried to replace only the parsnp file available on this repository but I'm my Linux abilities are that good. Please can someone give me a hint?

Hi, this seems to be a symptom of not setting up the Bioconda channels. The documentation for setting up Bioconda can be found here. Please let me know if conda still can't find the newest version of Parsnp after you've set up the channels.

I tried set bioconda channel and the version problem remains but with the conda-forge channel, everything seems to be ok and working well.

Thanks, guys. <3