
optimizational suggestions for the functions in

sudoForRoot opened this issue · 0 comments

`setupGroups Function:

This function initializes multiple lists of sprite groups for plants, zombies, and bullets.
Suggestion: Consolidate the creation of these groups into a single function or use a dictionary to manage them instead of separate lists.

checkPlant Function:

This function contains a series of conditional checks based on plant names.
Suggestion: Consider moving the logic for handling different plant types into separate functions or methods, making the code more modular and readable.

checkGameState Function:

This function checks for victory and loss conditions.
Suggestion: Move the victory and loss conditions checks into separate functions or methods to improve code readability.

checkBulletCollisions Function:

This function checks for collisions between bullets and zombies.
Suggestion: Consider encapsulating this collision detection logic within the Bullet class itself to make it more self-contained.

checkZombieCollisions Function:

This function checks for various zombie collisions with plants.
Suggestion: Move the collision detection logic for each zombie type into separate functions or methods to improve readability.

checkCarCollisions Function:

This function checks for collisions between cars and zombies.
Suggestion: Consider encapsulating this collision detection logic within the Car class itself to make it more self-contained.

checkPlants Function:

This function contains a loop that iterates over plant groups and checks their states.
Suggestion: Move the logic for checking plant states into separate functions or methods, making the code more modular.

initBowlingMap Function:

This function appears to initialize a specific type of map.
Suggestion: Provide a more descriptive name for this function to clarify its purpose and make it more self-explanatory.

initPlay Function:

This function initializes the game state for playing.
Suggestion: Consider breaking down this function into smaller functions or methods to improve readability.

initChoose Function:

This function initializes the game state for choosing plants.
Suggestion: Consider breaking down this function into smaller functions or methods to improve readability.

createZombie Function:

This function creates different types of zombies based on input parameters.
Suggestion: Consider encapsulating the zombie creation logic within a separate factory class or method to improve code organization.

addPlant Function:

This function adds plants to the game grid based on user input.
Suggestion: Move the logic for adding plants to the grid into a separate function or method to improve readability.

removeMouseImage Function:

This function removes the mouse image from the screen.
Suggestion: Consider removing this function and instead handling mouse image visibility directly within other functions where it's used.

drawMouseShow Function:

This function handles drawing the mouse image.
Suggestion: If possible, simplify the logic for drawing the mouse image and consider removing this function.

drawZombieFreezeTrap Function:

This function draws freeze traps for zombies.
Suggestion: If possible, simplify or consolidate this function with other drawing functions to reduce code duplication.`