Key with leading slash
Opened this issue · 1 comments
pdtpatrick commented
Hi - was wondering whether anyone come across an issue where if you key starts with "/" , you get back AWS::S3::NoSuchKey .
rborkows commented
Yep, just hit that myself. S3Object.find works fine, but .value returns NoSuchKey
Problem appears to be in lib/aws/s3/object.rb path!
This bit: '/' << File.join(bucket_name(bucket), name)
File.join strips leading slashes, leading to the following unexpected result:
irb(main):110:0> File.join "something", "something2"
=> "something/something2"
irb(main):111:0> File.join "something", "/something2"
=> "something/something2"
I worked around it like so:
Basically you have to form the path yourself to work around this bug.