
Websockets for Django applications using Redis as message queue

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Project home: https://github.com/jrief/django-websocket-redis

Detailed documentation on ReadTheDocs.

Websockets for Django using Redis as message queue

This module implements websockets on top of Django without requiring any additional framework. For messaging it uses the Redis datastore and in a production environment, it is intended to work under uWSGI and behind NGiNX.

New in 0.4.0

  • Messages can be sent to users being member of one or more Django groups.
  • Simplified the usage of RedisPublisher and RedisSubscriber to make the API more consistent.
  • Added the possibility to receive heartbeats.
  • Added reusable JavaScript code for the client.
  • Added a context processor to inject some settings from ws4redis into templates.


  • Largely scalable for Django applications with hundreds of open websocket connections.
  • Runs in a cooperative concurrency model using gevent, thus only one thread/process is simultaneously required to control all open websockets.
  • Full control over the main loop during development, so Django can be started as usual with ./manage.py runserver.
  • No dependency to any other asynchronous event driven framework, such as Tornado, Twisted or Node.js.
  • Optionally persiting messages, allowing server reboots and client reconnections.
  • The only additional requirement is a running instance of Redis, which by the way is a good replacement for memcached.

If unsure, if this proposed architecture is the correct approach on how to integrate websockets with Django, then please read Roberto De Ioris article about Offloading Websockets and Server-Sent Events AKA “Combine them with Django safely”.

Build status

Build Status


Please use the issue tracker to ask questions.


Copyright © 2014 Jacob Rief. Licensed under the MIT license.