PhantomJS yslow.js "www.url"
gigaimage opened this issue · 0 comments
gigaimage commented
I downloaded yslow-phantomjs-3.1.8 from yslow installation webpage.
Unpacked it and tried:
C: > phantomjs yslow.js --help
Can't Open 'yslow.js'
C:> phantomjs yslow.js ""
Can't Open 'yslow.js'
I tried many ways by keeping yslow.js in different location.
c:\yslow.js // Can't Open yslow.js message
c:\PhantomJS\lib\yslow.js //here I created a lib folder under PhantomJs installation and set the PATH as well. but same message
C:\PhantomJS\yslow.js // same message.
Also, found that "make phantomjs" errors outr in permission denied to the build folder.
PhantomJS is in PATH and working fine with any other CL arguments.