
GitlabCI 'manual' status support

Vatrax opened this issue · 8 comments

When pipeline is waiting for manual action it has default (gray) color.

I suggest that it could be green, like success, but with warning.

I think green is misleading, cause the build could be aborted while waiting for an action.

I would propose the running color (blue). Or a new color for it.

OK, but on the other hand manual is optional step, so often builds will finish with this step. So imo blue is also misleading.

Hm, according to the GitLab docs we have the following states: running, pending, success, failed, canceled, skipped

How is the state name called, while it's waiting for a manual action?

it's 'manual'

It's from my fork

Maybe we can do the following. If it's on manual state and running, then we display a blue color. And if it's in manual state and finished then we display the green color.

What do you think?

Sounds great

I don't have a running GitLab service.

Could you implement the change and make a PR?

yes. I'll take care of this.