Please 1.14
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delocura commented
I have a server with the 1.14.1 and i have this error when i try place a PS:
This is the config:
And the ps hasn´t been placed, and i have lost the money in the test xD
- title: psradio3
block: crafting_table
radius: 3
slow-heal: true
no-conflict: true
limits: - 1
- 1
- 1
- 1
- 1
- 1
prevent-fire: true
prevent-use: - oak_door
- chest
- furnace
- jukebox
- furnace
- enchanting_table
- oak_door
- iron_door
- oak_fence_gate
- oak_trapdoor
- iron_trapdoor
- spruce_trapdoor
- birch_trapdoor
- jungle_trapdoor
- acacia_trapdoor
- dark_oak_trapdoor
- lever
- stone_button
- dropper
- dispenser
- note_block
- comparator
- repeater
- anvil
- oak_door
- armor_stand
- iron_door
- spruce_door
- birch_door
- jungle_door
- acacia_door
- dark_oak_door
- oak_fence_gate
- spruce_fence_gate
- birch_fence_gate
- jungle_fence_gate
- acacia_fence_gate
- dark_oak_fence_gate
- chest
- trapped_chest
- anvil
- jukebox
- flower_pot
- potted_acacia_sapling
- potted_allium
- potted_azure_bluet
- potted_birch_sapling
- potted_blue_orchid
- potted_brown_mushroom
- potted_cactus
- potted_dandelion
- potted_dark_oak_sapling
- potted_dead_bush
- potted_fern
- potted_jungle_sapling
- potted_oak_sapling
- potted_orange_tulip
- potted_oxeye_daisy
- potted_pink_tulip
- potted_poppy
- potted_red_mushroom
- potted_red_tulip
- potted_spruce_sapling
- potted_white_tulip
prevent-place: true
prevent-entry: true
prevent-destroy: true
prevent-explosions: true
prevent-unprotectable: true
prevent-item-frame-take: true
prevent-creeper-explosions: true
prevent-wither-explosions: true
prevent-pvp: true
prevent-teleport: false
prevent-portal-create: false
prevent-portal-destination: true
prevent-portal-enter: false
protect-animals: true
protect-villagers: true
protect-crops: true
allowed-worlds: - Survival
welcome-message: true
farewell-message: true
visualize-on-rightclick: true
prevent-flow: true
dynmap-area: true
dynmap-no-toggle: true
hidable: true
cuboid: true
meta-name: '&bPs3'
meta-lore: - '&3PROTECT YOU HOME
- '&3HAVE A radio OF 3 BLOCKS'
- '&4You can only place 1.'
price: 150
refund: 100