
Arduino Driver Library for a MAX7219 driver chip using 7 segment LED displays

Primary LanguageC++


Digit 1 is the left most digit, digit 8 is the far right digit

Arduino Driver Library for a MAX7219 driver chip using 7 segment LED displays

  Pin connections
  Name      Arduino     ESP8266/Wemos D1    MAX7219 7 Segment display
  -----     -------     -------             -------------------------
            +5V         5V**                VCC
            GND         GND                 GND
  DIN       D11/MOSI    GPIO13 (D7)         DIN
  CS        *D7/SS      *GPIO15 (D8)        CS
  CLK       D13/SCK     GPIO14 (D5)         CLK
  * The CS connection is user selectable.
  ** From the USB 5V supplied to the Wemos D1 Mini PCB, The MAX7219 needs 5V