Contains the code to build and generate Xhprof extension for PHP.
XHProf is a function-level hierarchical profiler for PHP and has a simple HTML based navigational interface. The raw data collection component is implemented in C (as a PHP extension). The reporting/UI layer is all in PHP. It is capable of reporting function-level inclusive and exclusive wall times, memory usage, CPU times and number of calls for each function. Additionally, it supports ability to compare two runs (hierarchical DIFF reports), or aggregate results from multiple runs.
The code was extracted from, to keep only the extension in this repository. The Hxprof UI can be found in another repo.
- 7.2
- 7.3
- 7.4
- 8.0
- 8.1
- 8.2
git clone ./xhprof
cd xhprof/extension/
./configure --with-php-config=/usr/local/bin/php-config
make && sudo make install
extension =
xhprof.output_dir = /tmp/xhprof
Options | Defaults | Version | Explain |
xhprof.output_dir | "" | All | Output directory |
xhprof.sampling_interval | 100000 | >= v2.* | Sampling interval to be used by the sampling profiler, in microseconds |
xhprof.sampling_depth | INT_MAX | >= v2.* | Depth to trace call-chain by the sampling profiler |
xhprof.collect_additional_info | 0 | >= v2.1 | Collect mysql_query, curl_exec internal info. The default is 0. Open value is 1 |
You can use Composer to include this repo into your project, by adding the following lines on composer.json and then
running composer require marcelovani/xhprof_extension
"repositories": [
"type": "vcs",
"url": ""
This image can be built with Docker and pushed to Docker hub.
make build
: Will pull latest changes from origin repo, build and test the extensionmake deploy-image
: Will deploy to Docker hub. Remember to update the namespace in .env file.
You can use this Dockerfile as a starting point to integrate the extension with your project.
FROM php:8-fpm-alpine
# Download script to install PHP extensions and dependencies
ADD /usr/local/bin/
RUN chmod uga+x /usr/local/bin/install-php-extensions && sync
# Install necessary packages for building the extension
RUN apk --no-cache add git autoconf g++ make
# Clone the xhprof repository and build the xhprof extension.
RUN git clone /tmp/xhprof
RUN cd /tmp/xhprof/extension/ \
&& phpize \
&& ./configure --with-php-config=/usr/local/bin/php-config \
&& make \
&& make install
# Enable the xhprof extension in php.ini
RUN echo "[xhprof]" > /usr/local/etc/php/conf.d/xhprof.ini \
&& echo "extension =" >> /usr/local/etc/php/conf.d/xhprof.ini \
&& echo "xhprof.output_dir = /tmp/xhprof" >> /usr/local/etc/php/conf.d/xhprof.ini