
Seasonal themes and gamefication

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  • Advent Calendar theme
  • Teams: Players will be divided up in teams, called "Vermillion", "Saffron" and "Cerulean". They can change team name. Team players can score points by voting. One player is selected as key voter. Make sure this player votes. When that player votes, you'll get more points as team. When it doesn't vote, team loses points.
  • Easter egg hunt: Easter theme: Stop 'n Swop? Faces of colleagues in egg shape


  • Score bomb: a random score bomb: it requires an x amount of votes to explode. When it explodes points are awarded to the voters of that day. The bomb will be reset with a new number

  • Buddy season: Buddies will be coupled randomly every day. Goal is to egg each other on to vote. You'll gain points if you vote together. If one of the players in the team does not vote, nobody gets extra points. Come up with a team name. Buddy's are only applicable after certain amount of polls.

  • Spring season:

    • Growing tree/flower based on votes (Click Clock Wood). When the tree/flower is fully grown, reward points.
    • Everyone gets a "plant" (or something else). Plant grows based on voting streak. Plant dies when te streak breaks.
  • Github commit wall => Show small photo's of users as a github wall, hovering over show the number of the poll answered. poll vote history: Show blocks across the current month each representing one day.

  • Scrabble? People are worth "points". Or "polls" are worth certain points, maybe based on difficulty

  • Wanted? People's photo all round

  • Puzzle? Everyday a new jigsaw piece to see the winner?

  • Board game: Based on the vote order the dice is rolled. First voter get's e.g 9 steps. Last voter 1. A duel is held between two players when they land on the same space. They can bet for someone not winning any points, and someone having double points.

  • Betting Kabisino: People can bet on you to vote for the daily poll which will make your points higher. Everyone starts with x amount of points to spend on people. When you hit zero you cant vote on people, so you need to vote on polls to get points to vote on people again. You can vote on anybody, however odds of the person having the most votes will decrease. You should be able to see odds of a person voting. e.g matthijs may have a lower odd as he votes everyday and is a safer choice to gain points.

  • Harry Potter theme: Floating items?

  • Olympic games theme

  • Tournament: based on answers, the first one not playing/answering correct will not compete anymore.

  • Free for all: the first one gets the most points, second one second most etc. When the answer is correct +2 is added aa bonus

  • ELO System: No description yet

  • April fools: Fake Joker Cards

  • Christmas 2023: Kerstballen in de vorm van avatars in allerlei vormen. Kerstballen hangen overal "op" de app (Ja, ik ben een kerstbal)

  • 3 op een rij: Spel 3 op een rij waar users een coin (avatar) van zichzelf in een drie op een rij box kunnen stoppen. Je krijgt een coin als je een goed antwoord geeft

  • Pirate theme: Unlock a prize when uncovering a treasure map. Also thwart your colleagues by removing their cleared up space when you have a correct answer


  • Mario Party elements/events/minigames