
Implement level system to have new users catch up with older players

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Screenshot 2023-03-15 at 11 14 45

Levels should be leading and one of the pillars of trustworthyness.

  • Exp. points are earned by answering polls (all based on current level):
    • Participating grants points
    • Answering correct grants points
    • Poll submits grants points
    • Multiple choice grants more points
    • Difficulty of the question adds possibly more points: [easy = * 1.25, normal = * 1.5, hard = * 1.75, intense = * 2] #92
  • Level 1: 12 exp. Level 10: 100 exp
  • Visually, the users are shown with avatars and a small progress bar displaying how much they need to proceed to the next leven (pokemon)


  • All exp. points are rounded, no decimals