
Score system

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As a user I want to gain points when I answer a poll.

First place player based trophy count.
All players will test their EXP against the player's participating in the channel.

Formula: Points gained = (Multiplier * Relative position) + Base points

Let's say we have three players with the following scores and relative positions:

Player A: Score = 100, Relative position = 100
Player B: Score = 150, Relative position = 50
Player C: Score = 200, Relative position = 0
Assuming a constant multiplier of 0.5 and base points of 10 for each player, we can calculate the points gained:

Player A: Points gained = (0.5 * 100) + 10 = 60 points
Player B: Points gained = (0.5 * 50) + 10 = 35 points
Player C: Points gained = (0.5 * 0) + 10 = 10 points
After adding the points gained to each player's score, we get the updated scores:

Player A: New score = 100 + 60 = 160 points
Player B: New score = 150 + 35 = 185 points
Player C: New score = 200 + 10 = 210 points

  • 1 poll will be added to the poll counter if voted. Doesn't matter if it's right or wrong.
  • 3 poll coins will be rewarded
  • Single-choice: score based on the formula is earned
  • Multiple-choice: total points will be divided by the amount of correct answers
  • Amount of points provided will be based on what kind of league you're in. This will be a formula based on the multiplier from the league. Formula's are described in #279
  • Scores are always rounded up

Example for league points:

  • Single-choice:
  • Single-choice:
  • Multiple-choice: User is in the h3 league. The user can get a base maximum of 13 points, and lose 11 points. For each right answer, the user gains 1/3 of the points: 13 / 3 = 5 (rounded up). When there are 4 right answers, this user can get up to 25 points. It may also lose points when it gives wrong answers. 1 right answer and 3 wrong answers means: +5 - 15 = -10.

Scores can be influenced by items, which can be found #280


Gaining extra points:

  • Daywinner: When less then 10% of the voters answer the question right, a bonus of 10 points is awarded. For multiple choice this means that you need to answer all questions correct, without any wrong answers. This'll award a bonus of 15 points.
  • First strike: First to vote will get an extra amount of points ik