
following strict

Closed this issue · 1 comments

Annotations follow a strange versionning which adheres more or less to
Semver states that a versionning number has 3 parts X.Y.Z
when Y is incremented Z should be resetted to 0. this is not the case for the version 1
Can we just stick to semver starting from version 2. So that the version number is well understood at first glance ?

Yes. Fully agreed.

First thing is that this package should have been open sourced starting from v0.x.x and not 1.x.x, but we never imagined it would become required by so many people and that so many changes would appear. Mos of the time we did not reseted the number was to keep in sync with our personal internal releases.

V2, the next release, is intended to be directed to community so when can can finally follow semver more strictly. But it's important to say that despite the additions, no backwards compatibility was broken (at least not for the behaviors we have specified since the beginning).