
Add other browsers

marco-c opened this issue · 10 comments

The more browsers we have, the more screenshots we can collect

@marco-c i had a couple of doubts regarding this. Is this the same as adding a webdriver for a particular browser and then updating so that this driver is also run alongside chrome and firefox ?

Apart from that , after we do add a browser won't we have to update and some functions in to accommodate these new set of images?

Yes, we will have to add a new webdriver and use it in and update all the places where we were just expecting Firefox and Chrome.

So should we add a task list in this Issue ?

@marco-c having taken a look into it, I've found that safari and edge both are dependent on their respective os and cannot be run cross-platform.
Should we still pursue adding browsers like opera? or should we add safari and edge driver irrespective of the there not being cross-platform support.

@marco-c having taken a look into it, I've found that safari and edge both are dependent on their respective os and cannot be run cross-platform.
Should we still pursue adding browsers like opera? or should we add safari and edge driver irrespective of the there not being cross-platform support.

Opera uses Chromium, so there will be no difference between Opera and Chrome.
Yes, I think we should try to add Safari and Edge when we are running the crawler on a supported OS.

safari is available for windows. So windows supports edge and safari both officially. We can also use wine if we want to use it in linux imo.

Is it still available? I thought they stopped supporting Windows.

I've tried to run Safari through selenium on Windows , they use an extension which is only compatible with Safari installed on a MacOs.

Although selenium supports safaridriver in windows, Apple has dropped support :( so It might not work properly. Sorry for the confusion. I think checking the os and choosing edge or safari based on that should be the way to go.

Probably not so valuable to add Edge after all: 😢

But maybe we can use it anyway so we have more diverse screenshots and we're more likely to have incompatibilities in our training set.