Senior Full-Stack Software Engineer working primarily with TypeScript, Node.js & React
@mobimeoBerlin, Germany
marcobiedermann's Following
- kevvaSweden
- legomushroomSeattle, US
- ben-eb
- KittyGiraudelCofenster
- bramsteinThe Type Founders
- alrra
- AllThingsSmittySouthern Maine Coast 🌲 🏖 🌊
- patrickkettnerGoogle
- bevacquaRamp
- scottjehlSquarespace
- shiffman@CodingTrain @ITPNYU @processing @ml5js @nature-of-code @Programming-from-A-to-Z
- fatCoinbase
- tjApex
- cowboyBoston, MA
- nzakasHuman Who Codes LLC
- LeaVerouMIT
- getifyGetify Solutions
- SaraSoueidanLebanon
- crnacura@codrops
- jakearchibald
- desandroVienna, VA
- toddmottoEngland, UK
- zachleat@11ty
- mathiasbynens@Google
- csswizardryCSS Wizardry
- cvrebertOn the prowl
- sindresorhus
- necolasMeta
- igrigorikShopify
- chriscoyier@codepen
- mdo@pierredotco
- addyosmaniGoogle
- paulirishGoogle Chrome, ♥z
- stefanjudisBerlin