
A Swift library to perform additions and subtraction clamping to the bounds of the type.

Primary LanguageSwiftMIT LicenseMIT


A Swift library to perform additions and subtraction clamping to the bounds of the type.

What does it do?

Swift has two options when performing additions and subtractions (see https://developer.apple.com/library/prerelease/ios/documentation/Swift/Conceptual/Swift_Programming_Language/AdvancedOperators.html):

  • a version that causes an error in case of over/underflow (+ and -)
  • a version that will wrap over in case of overflow (&+ and &-)

Take for example the type Int8, which has as a lowest value -128 and highest value 128.

In the first case (error-throwing +), calling Int8.max + Int8(1) will result in a fatal error.

In the second case (wrap on overflow &+), calling Int8.max + Int(1) will evaluate to -128, or Int8.min, meaning that the result reached the maximum possible value, and then "restarted" from the lowest possible value, as if Int8.min was the number following Int8.max.

This framework, LimitedAddition, offers a third option, which is to perform an addition and subtraction that will just return Int8.max or Int8.min if the result would be out of range for Int8, effectively clamping the result to the bounds of the type.

This is achieved with the operators -∈ and +∈ or with the methods clampAdd(:) and clampSub(:).

To summarise:

  • Int8(118) + Int(20) → fatal error
  • Int8(118) &+ Int(20)-118
  • Int8(118) +∈ Int(20) or Int8(118).clampAdd(Int8(20))128 (Int8.max)


There are cases were throwing errors or wrapping is not the right option when an aritmetic operation goes beyond the limits of the type.

Think about a game, where the score is constantly incremented. Eventually, the player might reach a score equal to the upper limit of the numeric type. In that case, crashing because of the error (+) or resetting the score to the minimum possible value (&+) might not be the best option.