
Learning a bit about building backends in golang

Primary LanguageGo


Learning a bit about building backends in golang

First stage: no ORM, no Database, just in-memory

no-orm branch, based on several articles which were simply the highest results in google for rest api golang, perhaps not the best approach to selecting tutorials:

  1. https://medium.com/the-andela-way/build-a-restful-json-api-with-golang-85a83420c9da was the initial article, whose code is severely broken and non-functional as is
  2. https://tutorialedge.net/golang/creating-restful-api-with-golang/ which doesn't really deal with the update/POST which is actually the main think broken with the previous tutorial so....
  3. I can't remember where I got the actually working code, had to clean it up a bit, but the json.NewDecoder(r.Body).Decode(&newArticle) approach works where the Unmarshal failed on the partial. No actual idea why.

Basically it's two files:

  • cmd/test/main.go is where the code if you will is
  • pkg/models/setup.go is where the model if you will is