
script cannot complete - stack at backingfiles

jjlucas76 opened this issue · 2 comments

Describe the problem

RPi4 with USB (512GB SSD) drive and 16GB micro SD.
script cannot complete and get stuck at create-backingfiles.

I tried to specify both percentage and/or fixed sizes, but same result.


Raspberry Pi 4

Car Model

Model Y

USB connection

Glove box


Sat 6 Nov 17:45:24 GMT 2021 : Detecting whether to update wpa_supplicant.conf
Sat 6 Nov 17:45:24 GMT 2021 : Wifi variables specified, and no /boot/WIFI_ENABLED. Building wpa_supplicant.conf.
Sat 6 Nov 17:45:24 GMT 2021 : Rebooting...
Sat 6 Nov 17:45:42 GMT 2021 : Detecting whether to update wpa_supplicant.conf
Sat 6 Nov 17:45:42 GMT 2021 : Grabbing main setup file.
Sat 6 Nov 17:45:42 GMT 2021 : get_script failed, retrying
Mon 13 Jun 07:55:57 BST 2022 : Starting setup.
Mon 13 Jun 07:55:58 BST 2022 : Configuring the hostname...
Mon 13 Jun 07:55:58 BST 2022 : Configured hostname: teslausb
Mon 13 Jun 07:55:58 BST 2022 : curl -L
Mon 13 Jun 07:56:00 BST 2022 : Downloaded /tmp/717/setup-teslausb ...
Mon 13 Jun 07:56:00 BST 2022 : /root/bin/setup-teslausb is up to date
Mon 13 Jun 07:56:00 BST 2022 : Downloaded /tmp/717/rc.local ...
Mon 13 Jun 07:56:00 BST 2022 : rc.local is up to date
Mon 13 Jun 07:56:00 BST 2022 : Updating package index files...
Mon 13 Jun 07:56:28 BST 2022 : Verifying that the requested configuration is valid...
Mon 13 Jun 07:56:28 BST 2022 : Downloaded /tmp/ ...
Mon 13 Jun 07:56:28 BST 2022 : USB_DRIVE is set to /dev/sda. This will be used for /mutable and backingfiles.
Mon 13 Jun 07:56:28 BST 2022 : Verifying that there is sufficient space available on the USB drive ...
Mon 13 Jun 07:56:28 BST 2022 : There is sufficient space available.
Mon 13 Jun 07:56:32 BST 2022 : Downloading additional setup scripts.
Mon 13 Jun 07:56:32 BST 2022 : Downloaded /root/bin/remountfs_rw ...
Mon 13 Jun 07:56:32 BST 2022 : Downloaded /root/bin/ ...
Mon 13 Jun 07:56:32 BST 2022 : Downloaded /root/bin/ ...
Mon 13 Jun 07:56:32 BST 2022 : Downloaded /root/bin/ ...
Mon 13 Jun 07:56:32 BST 2022 : Downloaded /root/bin/mountoptsforimage ...
Mon 13 Jun 07:56:32 BST 2022 : Downloaded /root/bin/mountimage ...
Mon 13 Jun 07:56:32 BST 2022 : Downloaded /root/bin/ ...
Mon 13 Jun 07:56:32 BST 2022 : Downloaded /root/bin/ ...
Mon 13 Jun 07:56:32 BST 2022 : Downloaded /tmp/ ...
Mon 13 Jun 07:56:32 BST 2022 : Downloaded /tmp/ ...
Mon 13 Jun 07:56:32 BST 2022 : Downloaded /tmp/ ...
Mon 13 Jun 07:56:32 BST 2022 : Downloaded /tmp/ ...
Mon 13 Jun 07:56:32 BST 2022 : /boot/cmdline.txt is up to date
Mon 13 Jun 07:56:37 BST 2022 : create-backingfiles-partition: USB_DRIVE is set to /dev/sda
Mon 13 Jun 07:56:37 BST 2022 : create-backingfiles-partition: Looks like backingfiles and mutable partitions already exist. Skipping partition creation.
Mon 13 Jun 07:56:38 BST 2022 : create-backingfiles-partition: Done.
Mon 13 Jun 07:56:38 BST 2022 : Mounting the partition for the backing files...
Mon 13 Jun 07:56:38 BST 2022 : Mounted the partition for the backing files.
Mon 13 Jun 07:56:38 BST 2022 : Mounting the mutable partition...
Mon 13 Jun 07:56:38 BST 2022 : Mounted the mutable partition.
Mon 13 Jun 07:56:38 BST 2022 : Creating backing disk files.
Mon 13 Jun 07:56:38 BST 2022 : create-backingfiles: starting
Mon 13 Jun 07:56:38 BST 2022 : create-backingfiles: cam: 32G, music: 450G, mountpoint: /backingfiles, exfat: false

`### Additional information

##################################################################### # SAMPLE CONFIGURATION FILE FOR TESLAUSB Pi Setup
# # Example config file for teslausb_setup. Lines with "#" are comments/ignored.
# Remove the "#" before "export" to activate a line. Be sure to rename this file # to "teslausb_setup_variables.conf" and place it in the "boot" folder of your
# SD card. # Please check the latest version of this file at:
# #

# Variables for CIFS (Windows/Mac file sharing) archiving export ARCHIVE_SYSTEM=cifs export ARCHIVE_SERVER="xx" export SHARE_NAME="TeslaCam" export SHARE_USER="xx" export SHARE_PASSWORD="xx" # the cifs options below usually don't need to be specified
# export SHARE_DOMAIN=domain # export CIFS_VERSION="3.0"
`# export CIFS_SEC="ntlm"

# Variables for rsync archiving #export ARCHIVE_SYSTEM=rsync
#export RSYNC_USER=username #export RSYNC_SERVER=hostname_or_ip
`#export RSYNC_PATH=path_on_server

# Variables for rclone archiving #export ARCHIVE_SYSTEM=rclone
#export RCLONE_DRIVE="remotename" #export RCLONE_PATH="remotepathname"
# The following is optional #export RCLONE_FLAGS=()

# The following option is only for the Pi4. If you wish to boot the Pi4 from # sd card, but store recordings on a USB drive or SSD, uncomment the following
# line. If you don't plan on using an sd card at all (i.e. you are both booting # from and storing recordings on the USB drive), or are ONLY using an sd card
`# (i.e. boot from and store recordings on sd card), do NOT uncommment this line.
export USB_DRIVE=/dev/sda

`# uncomment this to archive RecentClips in addition to SavedClips and SentryClips

# SavedClips, SentryClips and track mode clips are archived by default, but # you can turn that off by uncommenting the settings below

# Notes on sd card and image sizes: # * A 128 GB or larger sd card (or USB drive, when using Pi4) is recommended. The
# minimum supported size is 64 GB. # * When specifying sizes for the recordings and music drives, you can use specific
# sizes (e.g. 24G) or use sizes relative to the available space (e.g. 10%) # * The setup script will reserve a fixed 6 GB of space regardless of sd card size.
# * CAM_SIZE should generally be somewhat small, around 16G to 32G, unless you plan # on accumulating a lot of footage between archive operations, in which case you
# should increase the value (an hour of recordings, or 6 Sentry events, is about # 7-9 GB of data).
# * As of Tesla software version 2020.48.10, the car will warn when the recording drive # is smaller than 32 GB, but smaller values will still work. Tesla appears to use
# power-of-ten based sizes, presumably because most storage manufacturers do too. # Because teslausb uses power-of-two sizes, you can specify "30G" for the size and
# not get the warning. # * MUSIC_SIZE should be large enough to hold your music library, obviously.
`# * If no music size is specified, no music drive will be created.
export CAM_SIZE=32G
export MUSIC_SIZE=450G

# Use ExFAT filesystem instead of FAT32. #
# ExFAT is the filesystem used by Tesla when the drive is formatted # in the car. While TeslaUSB supports ExFAT, it is recommended to
# use the FAT32 format because the Linux ExFAT implementation # does not support TRIM.
`# export USE_EXFAT=true

# If you want to automatically copy music from a CIFS share every time # the Pi connects to wifi, set the following variable. The share is
# assumed to exist on the same server as the archive share. It can # be the same share as the share used for backing up recordings, but
`# the folder needs to be different.
export MUSIC_SHARE_NAME="xx/TeslaMusic"

# Wifi setup information. Note that Raspberry Pi Zero W only supports 2.4 GHz wifi. # If you are you are trying to connect to a network with a hidden SSID,
`# edit /boot/wpa_supplicant.conf.sample and un-comment the indicated line.
export SSID="xx"
export WIFIPASS="xx"

# uncomment to enable a Samba/CIFS server that makes the recordings # available as a network share
export SAMBA_ENABLED=true
`# uncomment to enable guest access to the Samba server
export SAMBA_GUEST=true

# uncomment to enable teslausb to act as a wifi access point with the given # SSID, so you can access it while on the road.
#export AP_SSID='TESLAUSB WIFI' # Change this! The setup script will not accept the default 'password'
# Also note that the wifi password must be at least 8 characters. #export AP_PASS='password'
# IP address is optional. The AP will give its clients IP addresses in the # x.x.x.100-150 range so make sure you don't put the AP's IP address in
# that range. #export AP_IP=''

# uncomment if you want to set the time zone to something other than the default 'BST' # Can be an actual time zone, or "auto" to attempt automatic timezone detection
`# export TIME_ZONE="America/Los_Angeles"

# By default there is a 20 second delay between connecting to wifi and # starting the archiving of recorded clips. Uncomment this to change
# the duration of that delay # export ARCHIVE_DELAY=20

# Uncomment if you want to override the default hostname of "teslausb" # export TESLAUSB_HOSTNAME=teslausb-Model3

# Uncomment if setting up Pushover push notifications # export PUSHOVER_ENABLED=true
# export PUSHOVER_USER_KEY=user_key # export PUSHOVER_APP_KEY=app_key

# Uncomment if setting up Gotify push notifications # export GOTIFY_ENABLED=true
# export GOTIFY_DOMAIN= # export GOTIFY_APP_TOKEN=put_your_token_here

# Uncomment if setting up IFTTT push notifications # export IFTTT_ENABLED=true
# export IFTTT_EVENT_NAME=put_your_event_name_here # export IFTTT_KEY=put_your_key_here

# Uncomment if setting up Discord push notifications # export DISCORD_ENABLED=true
`# export DISCORD_WEBHOOK_URL=put_your_webhook_url_here

# Uncomment if setting up AWS SNS notifications # export SNS_ENABLED=true
# export AWS_REGION=us-east-1 # export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=put_your_accesskeyid_here
# export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=put_your_secretkey_here # export AWS_SNS_TOPIC_ARN=put_your_sns_topicarn_here

# Uncomment if setting up Telegram notifications # export TELEGRAM_ENABLED=true
# export TELEGRAM_CHAT_ID=123456789 # export TELEGRAM_BOT_TOKEN=bot123456789:abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvqxyz987654321

# Uncomment if setting up Webhook notifications # export WEBHOOK_ENABLED=true
`# export WEBHOOK_URL=http://domain/path

# Uncomment if setting up Slack notifications # export SLACK_ENABLED=true
`# export SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL=http://domain/path

# Uncomment if setting up Matrix notifications # export MATRIX_ENABLED=true
# export MATRIX_SERVER_URL= # export MATRIX_USERNAME=put_your_matrix_username_here
# export MATRIX_PASSWORD='put_your_matrix_password_here' # export MATRIX_ROOM='put_the_matrix_target_room_id_here'

# tesla_dashcam / Trigger file support. # Uncomment any TRIGGER_FILE_xxxxx below to create trigger file(s) in the
# archive directory for the listed clip type after all clips have been # transferred for that type.
# Uncomment TRIGGER_FILE_ANY to create a trigger file in $ARCHIVE_BASE. This will # make tesla_dashcam process both SavedClips and SentryClips when either changes.
# This is useful if using to further # process clips.
# e.g: tesla_dashcom --monitor --monitor_trigger $ARCHIVE_BASE/SavedClips/ARCHIVE_UPLOADED $ARCHIVE_BASE/SavedClips #
# You may modify the value to your desired trigger filename. Remember to alter your tesla_dashcam trigger filename to match. #.

# NOTE: the Tesla API functionality described below is currently broken, as # teslausb has not yet been updated to use Tesla's new authentication service.
# # TeslaUSB can optionally use the Tesla API to keep your car awake, so it can
# power the Pi long enough for the archiving process to complete. To enable # that, provide your Tesla account email and password below.
# TeslaUSB will only send your credentials to the Tesla API itself. #
# NOTE: if you do this, it's highly recommended that you set up 'PIN to Drive' # as if the Pi or the car is stolen, the thief has access to your Tesla account
# and could change the password, add their own devices as a key, steal the car, # etc. If either is stolen, CHANGE YOUR TESLA PASSWORD IMMEDIATELY.
# # ALSO NOTE: having sentry mode enabled in your Tesla will keep your car awake.
# But, make sure you have not excluded your home in the sentry mode settings. #
# export # export TESLA_PASSWORD=teslapass
# # If you have more than one Tesla vehicle on the account, you must also provide
# the name or VIN for the vehicle for which this TeslaUSB install will be used, # so that TeslaUSB can keep the correct vehicle awake.
# If you only have one car on the account, you do not need to specify this. # export TESLA_NAME="Elon's CyberTruck"
# export TESLA_VIN=5YJ3E1EA4JF000001 #
# By default, TeslaUSB uses a combination of APIs to keep the car awake, # similar to how to the Tesla app can wake up the car.
# If you find your car isn't staying awake, you can try setting the # following to "sentry" to keep the car awake by temporarily turning
# on Sentry mode while archiving. # export TESLA_WAKE_MODE=stream

# Uncomment if you want to increase the size of the root # filesystem so there's extra space for installing additional
# software. This only works if the backing store partition hasn't # been created yet, i.e. during early setup, and requires an extra
# reboot. Sizes can be specified as for example "500M" or "2G" # export INCREASE_ROOT_SIZE=500M

# Uncomment if you want to use different vm/cpu parameters. # Leave commented to use teslausb's defaults, or set to 'default'
# to use the system defaults. # See
# and # for details.
`#export CPU_GOVERNOR=conservative

# Uncomment and change if you want setup scripts to be pulled # from a different repo than
`# export REPO=marcone

# Uncomment and change if you want a different branch than main-dev # export BRANCH=main-dev

Fixed by 9c213fb