
Installation process

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May be it's me, but the installation process in not very clear for me ^^
If I succeed to go through, I could propose an update if needed.

Press Ctrl+Shift+B to compile the client and server --> can't find any action related

And from a general point of vue, for beginer the process could not be obvious.

Thx for your help and for your work ๐Ÿ‘

Hey @thibpoullain, I'm not sure I follow.

Are you trying to install the extension in your VS Code, or are you trying to build the client/server locally so you can make a contribution?

Ok I misunderstood the installation :P
As I got an error "xxx isn't a valid Stimulus controller." but I have this controller in my project, and it works.
I thought my installation/configuration failed.
So i wonder if my configuration need to be updated to let the exention see my controller :P

Thx ! You're fast ! :P

In this case the extension is working fine then ๐Ÿ˜…

Would you mind sharing that controller so we can make sure that the parser is picking it up correctly?

Yes it is ;) ๐Ÿ‘

Yes thx ! I'm in a rails 7.1.3 and ruby 3.3.0

// app/javascript/controllers/dashboard_controller.js

import { Controller } from "@hotwired/stimulus"

export default class extends Controller {
  static targets = ["createForm"]

  toogle_create_discussion_form() {
<div class="container mx-auto p-4 flex flex-wrap" data-controller="dashboard">
--> "dashboard" isn't a valid Stimulus controller. Stimulus LSP(stimulus.controller.invalid)
JS Console 
'connected to the dashboard controller'

Hey @thibpoullain, did you have any luck getting it to work or do you need any more help?