
New created controllers are not picked up while LSP is running

Opened this issue · 7 comments


Not sure if this is a known issue or this is due to our project setup.

If I create a new controller, as the LSP is running, it is not getting picked up? When I restart the LSP they do get picked up.

Thanks for opening the issue!

I'm pretty sure this worked at one point, but it could be that I somehow broke it. In which folder are you creating the new controllers? Maybe the client is not watching the right folders for picking up the changes.

The behaviour described by Gert-JanPeeters happens as well on my machine.

The behaviour described by Gert-JanPeeters happens as well on my machine.

Hey @divagueame, thanks for the report!

Are you using it in NeoVim or VS Code?

Neovim v0.9.5

Oh interesting, seems like this is specific to NeoVim then. Let me try to reproduce it in NeoVim.

I think the problem is that the NeoVim config doesn't register the file events

CleanShot 2024-02-11 at 04 00 34

I'm seeing this issue too (using LazyVim / Neovim 0.9.5)

Changes to controller actions (renaming, adding, deleting) are not being picked up whilst the LSP is running either.