
Feature request: Remove morph as a default action.

minimul opened this issue · 2 comments

I'd speculate (I admit that this surmise is based on no actually data but just a professional hunch) that the morph custom action is rarely used but in turn carries a dependency, the turbo-morph NPM package.

Should it not then be required but opt-in?

Thanks @marcoroth for your consideration.

Ha! Ironically the morph custom action is the one of the most used ones, at least as far as I've seen.

I don't think we are going to remove the morph custom action from turbo_power from the time being, but maybe there's an opportunity to merge the two packages. I kept it as a separate package because of the morphdom depedency, but seems like Importmaps are not good enough to handle those kind of cases.

At least for now, I inlined turbo-morph and it's morphdom dependency into the turbo_power dist, so that should be good for now.

Ha! Ironically the morph custom action is the one of the most used ones, at least as far as I've seen.

:)) OK, good to know!

At least for now, I inlined turbo-morph and it's morphdom dependency into the turbo_power dist, so that should be good for now.
