
dismissOnTouchOutside does not work when dismissOnBackKeyPress is false

YDA93 opened this issue ยท 6 comments

YDA93 commented
dismissOnTouchOutside does not work when dismissOnBackKeyPress is false

@YDA93 thanks for catch this Bug. Already working on It

YDA93 commented

I am not sure if this can be done through barrierDismissible since WillPopScope will always prevent any pop from back button and touches.

I think it would work if we create a stack and nest two widgets inside it:

  1. Gesture detector with max width and hight sized box that respond to any touches and force a pop according to dismissOnTouchOutside.
  2. Dialog widget

@YDA93 you are right it is a little bit tricky, let mo do some research, maybe i found a more nice solution. Any help will be awesome.

@YDA93 i have found a nice trick to determine whenever the dismiss is from ModalBarrier or BackButton using this
if (StackTrace.current.toString().contains('ModalBarrier')) so fix is in Progress.

@YDA93 check version 2.2.1, let me know if the issue is fixed.

YDA93 commented

@marcos930807 Perfect, well done!