
Compatibility with godot 2.0.1

Opened this issue · 1 comments


First of all thank you very much for your plugin. I found it very useful.

I tried to use it for my project but it seems there is some issues with the new version of godot (2.0.1).
It's possible to paint grass but I couldn't see it in game nor save it.

Is there any recommended version of Godot to use the plugin?
Is the script compatible with the new godot version, Or am I doing something wrong.

Thank you for your answers :)

Sorry for the delay, I working on a project that consumes 15 hours per day some weeks.
Confirmed, custom builds not working, but last version 2.0.1-stable-oficial downloaded from website works, without show pencil preview.

Using last version 2.0.1-stable-oficial instead.

I try to investigate it, but logs are prety wellcome.